7 days or depends on the target group
Target audience
- Teachers (primary, and pre-primary)
- Principals
In CLIL, the language of instruction is a foreign language and is rarely used (or not used at all) in social contexts outside the classroom which limits the extent of non-formal and informal learning (Budvytyte-Gudiene and Toleikien, 2008). Classrooms form the major, often the only, context in which learners have opportunities to use the target language.
As a consequence, CLIL increases the opportunities for language learning and practice without increasing the curriculum time and specialist language teacher time allocated to language learning.
The distinctiveness of CLIL is its integrated approach to content and language (Lasagabaster, 2008). It integrates content and language by learning a content subject through the medium of a foreign language and by learning a foreign language through studying a content-based subject (Ruiz De Zarobe, 2008).
The aim of the project is to assist Pre-primary and Primary school teachers who teach curricular subjects (e.g. Science, Maths, History, Geography, Arts and Crafts, Physical Education, etc.) wholly or partly in English in using up-to-date technology in their teaching. A training kit is to be developed, which includes bite-sized activities. By completing the activities, teachers can learn to use these tools and integrate them into their language classes. They can also watch video clips of experts explaining their use of the tools and discuss their experiences and needs.
We offer
- Course Certification according to the needs and demands of Erasmus+
- Possibility of ECVET certification
- Rich cultural and leisure program
- Cultural and language preparation using our elearning platform
For more information and additional requests please contact us at erasmusplus@aketh.gr in order to receive the full course booklet including learning objectives, learning outcomes, evaluation procedures etc.