No Man No Woman Just Human

Start: 31-12-2020 - End: 30-12-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-NO01-KA201-076451
EU Grant: 181405 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: trategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

First prerequisite to ensure equal opportunities for both boys and girls is to ensure equal opportunities in education. Therefore gender equality in education has utmost importance to provide equal rights and opportunities for everyone regardless of gender. Education and training have a major importance in securing gender equality in society. Ensuring the gender equality in education is a necessary duty for all of us . The basic feature of the principle of gender mainstreaming has been defined by the EU as“The systematic consideration of the differences between the conditions, situations and needs of women and men in all Community policies and actions: this is the basic feature of the principle of “mainstreaming” which the Commission has adopted. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is convinced that the most effective way to promote gender equality is through education. This is why it adopted Recommendation CM/Rec (2007) 13 on gender mainstreaming in education, in 2007. This recommendation encourages the governments of member states to incorporate the gender perspective at all levels of the educational system - through legislation and in practice - so as to promote among young people the values of justice and participation necessary for the building of a society which guarantees true gender equality, both in the private and the public spheres. Gender equality in education, however, has many limitations and meets with various obstacles. These obstacles come from the cultural codes both in society and in schools. Even today there are limitations especially for girls for what they can do or can’t do as a woman beginning from the top of the system to the bottom. Gender issues must therefore be mainstreamed throughout educational planning – from infrastructure planning to material development to pedagogical processes. We believe that the full and equal engagement of women is crucial to ensuring a sustainable future. It appears that to achieve a holistic approach to gender equality also gender sensitive curriculum and education materials, teaching methods and techniques must be developed.

Because of this, the main priority is to train teachers, for a better gender sensitive approach. Subject of the Project: To be able to develop and contribute to studies on Social Gender Equality by providing supportive tools through education. In this sense, the project first aims to raise awareness of the educators and then to the students and parents in their sphere of influence. Purpose of the Project: General purpose of the project, to contribute to the supporting of Social Gender Equality. Purpose of the Project: Purpose of this Project, To educate methodologically educators working in formal and non-formal education and to create training modules which support gender equality that educators can apply to their age groups.

Objectives of the Project:

  • to create a network for trainers who will work on gender equality education and persons who have a multiplier effect.
  • To train a large number of trainers by creating training packages for educators.
  • To raise awareness and disseminate Gender equality at formal and non-formal education.
  • to strengthen individuals in social life in preventing gender inequality
  • to strengthen families and multiplier effect by improving the skills and expertise of educators and people in formal and non-formal education
  • develop and implement educational approaches, activities and resources applicable to both formal and non-formal education
  • recognize and disseminate the values of the European Union to strengthen democratic participation through education

Target Group of the Project: Educators / parents


  • APrios Vest AS - Norway


  • Associació Meraki Projectes de València - Spain
  • Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - Turkey