Duy Sesimi!

Start: 31-12-2017 - End: 30-12-2018
Project Reference: 2017-1-TR01-KA101-038956
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: School education staff mobility

Project Summary

The coordinator of the project was Provincial Directorate of National Education of Mugla from Turkey.

14 participants (6 English teachers and 8 school administrators) from Mugla Provincial Directorate of National Education participated to the course within the title “Adjusting migrant and refugee children to European schools” which was held between 21/05/2018 to 25/05/2018 in the premises of Developmental Center of Thessaly in Trikala, Greece. At the end of the course the participants learned and raised awareness about cross-cultural education practices, approaches and innovative teaching strategies.


  • Mugla Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY
