
Erasmus (65)

Friday, 03 May 2019 12:09


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Spread the ART of going UP

Project Reference: 2014-1-EL01-KA204-001641
EU Grant: 224493.43 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Summary

Europe in recent years has been undergoing a period of very high unemployment, especially among youth. This situation needs to be reversed.

One of the most promising ways to achieve that is through entrepreneurship. Within the economic crisis and the endless discussions about the formula on how to get out of it, there is a new trend that brings optimism. This trend is based on individual initiative and the need to create new businesses that will offer innovative services, cover needs tailored to clients and will use new technologies to achieve these goals, and all of these will be achieved with great savings on resources without affecting the quality of the final product. This is the essence of the neophyte company, known worldwide as a “Startup”.

The whole movement of startups has many fans and supporters, and there have been many activities in order to promote this concept, such as creating entrepreneurship incubators, briefings , workshops , meetings , conferences , seminars. Although this is the movement in major urban centers of the countries of Europe, it is found that in the province there aren’t such initiatives, but the need for promotion of entrepreneurship and the concept of the startup remains high.

Therefore, through this plan we aim to:

  • To promote the concept of entrepreneurship
  • make an introduction to project participants with concepts such as startup businesses, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • rise up awareness among young people and other age groups who want to enter the labor market
  • The reduction of social exclusion caused by unemployment and part-time employment
  • growing entrepreneurial culture and mindset that wil encourage and sustain successful entrepreneurial endeavors
  • the promotion of new technologies as a means for the development, operation and spread of the entrepreneurial idea and new businesses
  • Acquaintance and aggregation of people who share the same passion for entrepreneurship, in order to create business groups that will jointly develop their idea, thus contributing to the development of local economy
  • Participants will meet with professionals and experts in the field of business startup, in order to receive support and guidance for the establishment of their own business
  • promote mobilization and cooperation of all stakeholders in order to achieve the goals ( individuals , private companies, entrepreneurs , local and regional bodies , chambers )
  • promote partner regions as examples of good practice in order to set an example to be followed by other regions in the future.
  • promote internationalization of stakeholders and networking between countries
  • find a common methodology to deal with common problems among partner countries , such as unemployment and the definition of common objectives that need to be dealt with
  • the transfer of innovation, knowledge transfer and experience at international level

The main activities of the program include:

  • Study analysis with data for each partner country, focusing on each region about unemployment in different age groups, they type of employment, occupations in greatest demand, new business creation and their nature, the occupation of the people of each region with activities related to entrepreneurship, the gap in education and the absence of non incentives for young entrepreneurs.





  • TDM 2000 - ITALY
  • Sociedad de Promocion Economica de Gran Canaria, S.A.U. - SPAIN
  • STEP Institut, zavod za psihologijo dela in podjetnistvo - SLOVENIA
Friday, 03 May 2019 13:15


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Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Adult trainee-centered strategies for life long e-learning

Start: 01-09-2014 - End: 31-08-2016
Project Reference: 2014-1-EL01-KA104-001256
EU Grant: 22248 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

The swift growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their indisputable intrusion in every kind of production process, work, communication and culture have involved radical changes in all sectors of human activity (Castells, M. 1998, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 1: The Rise of the Network Society). This changes and their social dimension constitute important priority issues of the agenda of political, economic and educational institutions in the most countries of the world (OECD, 2003.Beyond rhetoric: adult learning policies and practices, Paris).

The constantly changing social-economic environment prompts the person to readapt and constantly improve their skills, knowledge, and dexterities (YPEPTH, 2006. New Information and Communication Technologies in Adult Education) in order to correspond not only in their personal needs but also the rapidly changing needs of the labour market. Adults, in order to satisfy their learning and educational needs that are formed and created by these changes, seek alternatives and opportunities both in informal learning and non-formal education. The integration of modern ICT, especially e-learning, in programs of adult education is, in many cases, the solution and recourse in this search while, at the same time, it constitutes the basic priority of educational policies in most of the developed countries of the world.

The process of electronic learning (e-learning) is not only complicated but also exigent for both the participants/trainees and the teachers/instructors/tutors. The instructor’s contribution in the process of e-learning is catalytic during the process and also for the results. These are some of the reasons that concern the reduction of the leaks of the programs, the elimination of participants’ isolation feeling, and their encouragement (Denis V., et all 2004. Roles and Competencies of the e-tutor.)

In this particular proposed plan, 25 adults instructors of the Developmental Centre of Thessaly will take part. These instructors constitute the corpus of the adults instructors of our organization and they come from different scientific fields (economists, foreign language teachers, professors of ICT etc) so as to reinforce as many educational fields of training as possible implemented by the Developmental Centre Thessaly. As it has already been mentioned, the use of modern technology in the educational process (especially in e-learning) creates high requirements for the instructors as well, who ought to follow a constant reeducational process in order to be highly qualified.

According to this frame and logic our organization (Developmental Centre of Thessaly) has submitted an application for the approval of a plan that aspires to cover the needs of adults tutors participants concerning:

  • a) their professional competences and skills
  • b) their educational skills
  • c) their communication skills
  • d)their technological skills.

The activities and the methodology that will be used for the implementation of the plan concern mainly the attendance of a specialized and well-structured professional training seminar (ten weekdays) about the incorporation of e-learning in adult education aiming at the adults instructors/tutors training in modern practices and developments of the branch. The seminar will consist of both theoretical and practical training so that the trained tutors will have the opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge through not only the creation and management of virtual electronic courses (units) but also the development of short educational material suitable for e-learning process.

Following the principles of ECVET, partnership gives the trainees the opportunity to acquire certified and standard knowledge, dexterities and skills which is one of the main goals of the plan. The fact that the professional training seminar attended by the trainees will take place under the approval, recognition and certification of the Region of Umbria in Italy, shows its importance for the participants’ professional development.

The project will help our organization meet its targets relating to contemporary adult education, online learning, distance learning and open educational resources (Open Educational Resources-OER).

The AKETH will fully exploit the potential of e-learning and in combination with high level trained e-tutors for adults, that will arise from the project, will try to established itself as a major provider of online education for adults.





  • European Grants International Academy Srls Unipersonale - ITALY
Friday, 03 May 2019 14:22


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Innovative Training and New Business opportunities in the Energy Market

Start: 01-09-2014 - End: 31-08-2017 Project Reference: 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004996 EU Grant: 265392 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Summary

-Context of the project:

The European energy sector increasingly consists of ESCOs with a high variety of business models, adapted to the market conditions, regulations and changing technological developments in the sector. The technical profile required to be a promoter of this type of ESCOs makes increasingly necessary knowledge on management and business models.


  • -Identify training needs in the sector of ESCOs in the participating countries
  • -Identify appropriate tools for the design of business models in the sector of ESCOs
  • -The drafting of a specific training plan (from the above objectives) for the design of business models in the energy sector, especially targeting ESCOs professionals
  • -The creation of a web platform to disseminate and facilitate the content developed in the course
  • -The dissemination of the project and its results among the target audience
  • -Number and profile of the participating organizations: 5 members

ENERGY CLUSTER OF EXTREMADURA, (Spain): It includes some of the most important companies in the sector in Spain, as well as numerous SMEs in Extremadura. Cluster companies represent the entire value chain in the different subsectors of the energy sector. The Cluster is knowledgeable of the situation and needs of the sector and seeks among other actions, to identify training plans appropriate to their businesses, so that they know how to adapt to the continuous changes in the sector and maintain its competitiveness in the national and international markets.

FUNDECYT-PCTEX, (Spain): This Foundation for the development of science and technology in Extremadura, provides valuable experience in the following fields:

  • -Identification of needs for enterprises and tailored training plans
  • -Development and implementation of the training platforms
  • -Knowledge transfer processes between Knwoledge entities and companies
  • -design and implementation of training for companies

ECQA, (Austria): The European Association for certification and qualification is a non-profit organization that provides a certification scheme for many professions. ECQA brings its knowledge to create a training plan likely to be certified at European level and their methodology for certification and validation of the quality of the training Plan developed in the project.

UEL, (UK): The University of East London designs and develops training programs for business modeling and business management. It acts as a centre of applied research and also carries out ad hoc consultancy work and coordinates a project on modelling of electronic commerce for the Chamber of Commerce and industry in London. Currently, the UEL develops various projects for the development of business models.

AKETH, (Greece): Experts in methodologies of training and design of training programmes. AKETH also acts as Advisor to companies, entrepreneurs and investors. This entity will bring to the project its experience in the development of training materials and training courses, as well as in the development of ICT solutions for training courses, and its experience in specific courses for professionals in the energy sector.

Description of the main activities carried out;

  1. analysis of the needs of the market and the ESCOs in the participating countries. Identification of tools for the design of business models in the ESCOs sector. It includes surveys to stakeholders.
  2. design of the initial contents to include in the training and development of the web platform of the project plan.
  3. multiplier events to disseminate the project, involve stakeholders in the design of contents and validate content. 2 events were held in each country and a final event in Spain.
  4. preparation of the final Plan for training, design and content development, translation.

-Results and impact achieved;

We have managed to successfully develop the 3 outputs planned in time and form. A training was developed a Plan for the design of business models aimed at ESCOs. We have managed to involve a high number of stakeholders – more than 220 participants in events- and the impact of dissemination has been positive (see results of broadcasting).

Long-term benefits, if applicable;

Given the interest reached and the increase of this type of SMEs throughout all of EU, it is expected to continue this initiative and develop an appropriate online platform to implement the course online or through MOOCs.



  • Asociación Cluster de la Energía de Extremadura - SPAIN


Friday, 03 May 2019 14:59


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Employability and Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and IT Industry

Start: 01-10-2014 - End: 30-09-2016
Project Reference: 2014-1-RO01-KA102-000557
EU Grant: 91578 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: VET learner and staff mobility

Project Summary

A successful labour market integration and more mobility of young people are key to unleashing all young people’s potential and achieving the objective of the 75% employment target for the population (20-64 years) sets by the Europe 2020 strategy.Being located in the rural area which has a touristic potential but also a lack of competitive knowledge in IT, Professional Foundation initiated an activity of mobility in the Hospitality Industry and IT domain. The project aims at increasing the employability and entrepreneurship of 28 VET students (some might be under 18 years old, so they need an accompaning teacher on each flow) and VET newly-graduates who have more difficulties in finding a job, through an experience abroad that enriched them with new working skills, together with a cultural heritage that they gained through living and working in a foreign country. The training for each participant was related to their profile and needs.This was determined at different stages: participants were individually interviewed at the promoting organisation, and there were more encounters in order to understand thoroughly the participant’s needs and expectations. Participants were contacted by the receiving organisations before their departure, in order to discuss about the training schedule. Following that the participants and the receiving organisation agreed on the work placement.

Specific Objectives (professional ones)

1.Provide specialisations to pursue a career in the sectors of Hospitality and IT industry;

2.Foster the acquisition of multidisciplinary and transversal methods, tools and skills that could be applied to entrepreneurship in Hospitality and IT industry;

3.Offer participants the possibility of acquiring new professional skills and specific knowledge aimed at the creation and running of micro-enterprises and to be competitive in the European labour market.

4.Ensure a better recognition of competencies gained abroad through formal, non-formal and informal education by applying the ECVET system.

The training content was as follows:

E+HIT followed three stages : Preparation, Implementation of mobility activities and Follow-up.(3 ECVET credits & Europass Certificates)

Week 1: Departure of the participants, met and greeted at the hotel Ntinas, the receiving organisation, welcoming of the participants, induction, and intensive language course (The language course continued , but only in the evenings or week ends, as the participants were occupied with their work placements).

Induction in the host organisation. Meeting the tutor and staff of the organisation. Overview of the organisation and all its departments; Reading all the relevant documents, included those related to health and safety regulations; general assistance; office support. The trainee was assigned basic tasks in order to get familiar with the activities carried out in the organisation.

Weeks 2-3: The trainee was fully integrated in the organisation. He/she gained confidence and some autonomy, s/he was assigned tasks that he/she was able to carry out independently, obviously under the supervision of their own tutor. Depending on the size of the organisation, he/she was assigned to one specific department, depending on his/her skills and training needs.

Week 4: The trainee was involved in more and more challenging tasks and their level of autonomy increased.

The trainee finished any remaining projects or Prepare a Work-In-Progress document for all unfinished and continuing projects for takeover purposes. The trainee also prepared a feedback document on his/her experience to give to the intermediary organisation for monitoring purposes. The host organisation prepared a reference letter for the trainee, while the receiving organisation prepared all the necessary documents . At the end of the 4th week the trainees left their accommodation and they left by coach back to Romania.The Mutual Trust agreement called Memorandum of Understanding signed before the commencing of the placement, recognised each other as competent authority to provide evaluation of Units of Learning Outcomes and stated the quality standards for the evaluation, assumed the recognition by the sending institution of the evaluation done in the host country by assessing : the Learning Agreement, the Personal Transcript and the Learning Units. Finally, knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the stay abroad were recognized in the home country by officially attesting achieved knowledge, skills and competence and, if appropriate, by awarding the respective amount of ECVET points to the mobile learner (3 points). The employers offered someone the chance to gain practical experience in the field, and trained them in a multicultural environment, thus gaining practical experience in an intercultural communication. Nowadays this is a matter of great importance, given the multiculturality of many cities.



  • Fundatia Professional - ROMANIA


Monday, 08 July 2019 14:16

e-Services Education

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e-Services Education

Start: 01-09-2015 - End: 31-08-2018
Project Reference: 2015-1-TR01-KA201-022552
EU Grant: 332744.11 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

The horizontal objective of the partnership called “e-Services Education” is to develop new ICT services offered to schools and local community of Mersin, Turkey and Arta, Greece in the field of education. The idea is based on creating an innovative tool of multifolded e-learing platform accessible to different groups in reference to education. The idea of creating and implementing such tool is the answer to the call of modernity, digitalization and computerization of every aspect of life. We aimed to answer the wishes and needs of teachers, parents and students who are the main subjects and the beneficiary groups of this project The project aims at creating this vast and generic tool because never before have we developed such an education – supportive device concerning our regions.Socially it is important as it has brought schools together and created a network of organizations, schools and libraries important for our local societies. It allowed us to co-operate and exchange good practices between schools on local and international levels. It has built up the atmosphere of cooperation and friendliness. Professionally, by creating and producing teaching learning materials the project enlarged the database of edu – tools, teaching / learning ideas ( ELT), practical exercises and evaluation methods in unprecedented scale in our regions. The project offers such innovative tools as: e-administration, e-register for schools, e-learning, online teaching with lessons recorded and uploaded on the platform: podcasts, mobile schooling and educational games and applications, smart-phone and tablets applications, useful links, online contests ;art activites, parents portal and young entrepreneurial portal. We expected to achieve several different goals which would refer to different subjects who we addressed to like teachers, students, education workers, parents and other citizens of our cities. The project provided to activate people from different groups: administrative staff of our organizations, project workers and other beneficiaries. It contributed to upgrade the competences of educational staff and subjects of education who were trained both in local and transnational trainings to introduce new products and methods for practical educational use. Development of e-learning platform has had enormous impact on the quality of education in our respective regions. The target groups have the chance to benefit in terms of improving the level of learning / teaching, linguistic skills and entrepreneurial approach. Also the deeper cross- cultural understanding and transnational cooperation was brought about. It triggers modernization of our teaching techniques and will be successfully used after the project conclusion as the platfrom has already been integrated in education. In the project there directly or indirectly has involved about 15 administrative workers of our organizations, about 70 teachers from both regions, about 3000 students in the project activities and about 4000 parents in our respective regions. By means of this project we established very good working relationships between the institutions engaged in the learning activity, as key-decision factors, and that this partnership will continue beyond the period of the project implementation as well as all the invented educational tools.



  • Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY


  • Zehra Marulyali Spor Kulubu - TURKEY
  • 1o Gymnasio Artas - GREECE
Monday, 08 July 2019 14:28


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Establishment of a Modular Ecvet System in Europe

Start: 01-09-2015 - End: 31-08-2018
Project Reference: 2015-1-TR01-KA202-022287
EU Grant: 352825.75 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Summary

Adult learning covers the entire spectrum of what we learn after leaving initial education and training. This includes work- and career-oriented learning –obtaining new qualifications, up-skilling or re-skilling for employment – but also learning for personal development and active citizenship. Ensuring that Europe’s citizens keep developing their knowledge, skills and competence throughout their lives is vital for employment, competitiveness and innovation, especially considering demographic change and the challenges of globalisation. For these reasons, In this project we focus on adult learning to enhance the quality of European education as well certification and validation of their skills through an ECVET Modular system. A major concern is tackling unemployment and raising the rate of adult participation in learning, particularly of low-qualified adults and older citizens. Vocational education and training (VET) in a broad sense, including formal, non-formal and informal learning – in particular learning at the workplace – is a fundamental contribution to lifelong and lifewide learning of adults.

This project contribute the recognition of abilities of adult learners which were acquired outside the formal (national) vocational education and training system such as in other countries’ VET systems, on the job, during work or study periods abroad, within in-company training or learning taking place during leisure time becomes more and more important in the light of skill shortages and skill mismatches. This is especially important in transition periods such as when recruiting new personnel, looking for a new job, changing career paths or entering into further education. In this project, The recognition of prior learning of “event managers” enables employers to make use of candidates full set of abilities, applicants to present all their abilities and those seeking additional training to shorten study periods in order to achieve a new qualification.In this project we will enhance the access of adult participation in lifelong learning ‘enabling flexible access to training and qualifications’ to raise participation and to open access for all adults. them without barriers through Online Training Platform.

The ESVET project is a response to the needs of event managers who have low initial qualifications and encounter obstacles to the acceptance and certification of their professional experience. In order to improve the qualifications of workers in this sector, the project will draw up a European qualification standard for event management by describing managerial competences. It is intended to promote the recognition of learning outcomes for the event manager profile by developing a method of assessment using an ECVET and learning outcome-oriented approach. As a main product, the project will create and develop an assessment tool based on the CEMES methodology for the occupational field event manager. For this purpose, learning units are defined and action-oriented skills are described.



  • Inovasyon Proje Gelistirme Egitim ve Danismanlik Hizmetleri San.Tic.Ltd.Sti - TURKEY


  • Centrul de Resurse pentru Educatie si Formare Profesionala - ROMANIA
  • IBS-CEMES Institut GmbH - GERMANY
  • Global Egitim Kultur ve Iletisim Dernegi - TURKEY
  • Biedriba Eurofortis - LATVIA
Monday, 08 July 2019 14:34

We M@ke IT H@ppen

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We M@ke IT H@ppen

Start: 01-09-2016 - End: 31-08-2018
Project Reference: 2016-1-TR01-KA203-034482
EU Grant: 123788 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education

Project Summary

The project gathered three important elements of teacher education together; university, educational authority and teacher education course providers. The rationale of the project depended on literature review and needs analysis. The primary aims of the project were; increasing the efficiency of using ICT tools for foreign language teaching, creating an awareness of this issue for the relevant stakeholders and offering course contents for pre-service and in-service English teachers. There were participant organisations from Spain, Greece, Italy, Romania and Turkey. Foreign partners were in-service course providers and teacher education centres. Partner from Turkey was a local educational authority. During the project time, transnational project meetings and short-term learning, teaching and training activities were planned. At every destination different kind of activities were organised by the partner institutions. A comparative report about the current applications, available facilities and teaching methodologies were written collaboratively. As intellectual outputs two course contents were created. The first course content is for the pre-service English teachers. This output was written collaboratively with the partners after a long needs analysis and discussion process. The course content is offered as a course to the faculty and the members of the team are still working on this issue for further publications. The second course is for in-service teachers and it includes general trends in ICT use in education, specific methodologies and latest approaches towards this issue in the relevant literature. As for the visibility of the project and its products, a project webpage was created. All the information, documents and news were shared in this webpage. Social media platforms were also employed. Dissemination activities at different institutions were organised. All of the dissemination activities were carried out according to dissemination plans and portfolios were created for every dissemination activity by each partner. The efficiency of the project activities were monitored by an expert team. The project reached the predetermined objectives and it has the potential of having long-term benefits in the field.





  • Gebze Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY
  • Associazione "Submeet - incontrarsi per crescere" - ITALY
Monday, 08 July 2019 14:57

Equality in practice and work

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Equality in practice and work

Start: 03-07-2016 - End: 02-11-2017 Project Reference: 2016-1-RO01-KA102-024162 EU Grant: 58571 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: VET learner and staff mobility

Project Summary

Starting from the identified need of "M. Kogalniceanu" Theoretical Highschool Snagov (LMK) to offer its students opportunities to develop professional skills in the European context, in the period between 3rd July and 2nd November 2017 it was implemented the project "Equality in practice and work" which offered three mobility flows, during two weeks, in three European countries, for 31 pupils enrolled at LMK, the qualification of Technician in Tourism.

The main purpose of the project was to create the necessary conditions for the development of professional competences at the level of the European labor market requirements for students enrolled in LMK qualification Technician in Tourism.The following objectives have been achieved: the development of linguistic, cultural, social and entrepreneurial skills for the 31 pupils who formed the target group, increasing employment opportunities on the European labor market among graduates student; Improving the practice of internships; gain experience on the implementation of Erasmus + projects by the project team; increasing the international dimension of LMK by developing educational partnerships at European level; increasing the motivation of students to choose the tourist profile. To achieve the objectives and to create the optimal conditions for the internships during the mobility flows we have collaborated with 16 partner organizations.

In the UK, the partner organization was Tellus Education Group, a training provider that provided practical training sessions to its partners. In Greece the partner ANAPTYXIAKO KENTRO THESSALIAS - AKETH has identified and intermediated the collaboration with 8 organizations suitable for internships: To Tsikali; CAFIE FILION; HOTEL NTINAS; PANELLINION HOTEL; OUZERI O VASILIS; Koutsikos Panagiotis; RESTAURANT LADOFANARO; Tsirogiannis E. Kouklas K. and SIA OE. In Lithuania Europos Socialinis Verslumo Ugdymo The Ir Inovatyviu Studiju Institute was an intermediary partner and helped to add 5 new partners: Druskininkai Tourist and Business Information Center; VSI PROFESIJU SPEKTRAS GODA; AB Egles Sanatorija; Grand SPA Lietuva; UAB Drukininku Sveikatinimo Ir Poilsio Centras AQUA.

The target group was made up of 31 VET trainees, pupils enrolled at LMK SNAGOV in the X, XI, XII grade and XIII evening classes, technological branch, services profile, tourism field, the qualification of technician in tourism. The selection of students was made by a special committee approved in the board of directors. For each mobility flow, a separate selection stage was carried out. The participation to selection was free and the selection of the participants was done respecting the principle of equal opportunities and the principle of non-discrimination.

At the stage preceding the mobility flows, there were organized activities to manage the work team, to popularize the project, to select the participants, to draw up the LA Learning Agreements, to prepare the participants for mobility; negotiating and concluding contracts with all service providers in the project.

The activities during the mobility flows were: performing the internship 6 hours a day for 10 days according to LA; initial, intermediate and final assessment; monitoring throughout the internship; cultural activities; accommodation and organizing activities. The mobility flows were: Flow 1, United Kingdom, Plymouth, 20-31 March 2017, 7 students 12 grade Tourism and there was a monitoring visit; Flow 2 in Greece, Trikala, 8-19 May 2017, 16 students (8 -10th grade, 6 - 11th grade and 2- 13 Evening Classes Tourism), 2 accompanying teachers and a monitoring visit; Flow 3 Lithuania, Druskininkai, 8-19 May 2017, 8 students (6- 10th grade and 2 -11th grade Tourism), an accompanying teacher.

When returning from mobility, the individual final reports were completed by each participant, the learning outcomes were equated, dissemination activities, integration of results in current activity, impact assessment were carried out. Dissemination has taken place throughout the project period.

Outcomes and Impact: The 31 participating students have developed their linguistic, cultural, social and professional skills; have gained relevant and useful career experiences; completed the Europass CV with practical experience at European level; have received Europass Mobility certificates; have increased the chances of employment in the field of tourism on the European labor market among pupils; increased the quality of practical internships at LMK level; the managerial team's ability to manage partnerships at European level has been developed; increased the European dimension of the high school through collaboration with 16 partners from 3 European countries; has increased the attractiveness of vocational and technical education.


  • Liceul Teoretic Mihail Kogalniceanu - ROMANIA


  • IBD Solutions Limited - UNITED KINGDOM
  • AB "Egles" Sanatorija - LITHUANIA
  • Grand SPA Lietuva -LITHUANIA
  • To TSIKALI_/ Papanikolaou I. - GREECE
  • UAB Druskininku sveikatinimo ir poilsio centras AQUA - LITHUANIA
  • Druskininkai tourism and business information centre - LITHUANIA
  • CAFE FILION / Tegos Ath. - Hatzikyriakou M. G.P. - GREECE
  • Tsirogiannis E. Kouklas K. & SIA OE - GREECE
  • Koutsikos Panagiotis - GREECE
  • VSI "Profesiju spektras" - LITHUANIA

Τrainers' skills development addressed to vulnerable and socially excluded groups

Start: 01-07-2016 - End: 30-06-2017 Project Reference: 2016-1-EL01-KA102-022782 EU Grant: 22710 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: VET learner and staff mobility

Project Summary

Developmental Centre of Thessaly is a certified provider of VET training by the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), provide and support structured learning activities that are addressed to VET and adults and aim to enrich knowledge, to develop and improve skills and competencies, to the development of individual's personality and the sense of active civic, and to reduce the cultural and social inequalities. Particular emphasis is given to the importance of education of members of vulnerable social groups.The term "vulnerable groups" is closely connected to the concept of social exclusion, since people who are members of these groups are considered as vulnerable to poverty and social exclusion. Education and training in general contribute not only to the prevention of social exclusion by providing main education and the necessary initial professional training that is required for the smooth transition of members of vulnerable groups in the labor market, but also to tackling unemployment and to the social integration of members of vulnerable social groups.Our organization, perceiving the importance of additional training and education of members of vulnerable social groups and the complex and challenging role of the instructor, decided to submit a plan under the ERASMUS+ program and the Action KA1 VET education staff mobility. The objective of the proposed project is to train 10 VET educators, staff of the organization, in modern methodologies and practices in education of members of vulnerable social groups.Since in our country specialized seminars that are related to the training of VET educators in the field of education of members of vulnerable social groups are not conducted, the proposed project will complement the training of teachers and will provide them with the necessary tools for the integration of modern teaching methods in the educational process that should be followed in the field of socially vulnerable groups’ education.Through the proposed project, our organization will acquire a labor force of VET educators with high quality and internationally recognized (through ECVET acquisition) training in the field of education of members of vulnerable social groups. In this way all the necessary conditions related to the support of socially vulnerable groups and tackling social exclusion will be created.The proposed project mainly concerns the implementation of a specialized and structured training seminar (2 weeks, 50 hours) concerning modern methodologies and practices in education of members of vulnerable social groups. The seminar is consisted of both theoretical and observation period (job observation) in institutions that deal with vulnerable social groups and VET training. The participants will have the opportunity to observe the practical application of the knowledge and skills they acquired during their theoretical training.




Monday, 08 July 2019 15:16

The Quality Mark in Youth Work

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The Quality Mark in Youth Work

Start: 01-10-2016 - End: 31-05-2017
Project Reference: 2016-2-EL02-KA105-002591
EU Grant: 24983 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Youth mobility

Project Summary

"The Quality Mark in Youth Work" is a mobility project that will take place in Trikala, Greece, from 6th to 13th December 2016 and It will bring together 31 participants from EU countries and one non EU, in particular from: Malta, Slovenia, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Greece, Romania, Poland and Turkey. It aims at combining new aspects in managing youth organisations by using coaching techniques as a methodology. The project wants to support youth workers and offer them theoretical and practical tools to work with and use when training young people. Therefore, the main objectives of the project are following: - sharing experiences that help to improve organisation management;- identify all fundamentals that influence organisation management , project managemet i, decision making process; - hand over competences to the participants and stimulate a new way of thinking regarding management of youth organisation and realise quality projects in the field of young people ;- establish a partnership with all partner involved ;- create a booklet regarding organisation management in youth organisation ; - support quality and innovative projects that match needs of young people; - promote projects that foster partecipation and active citizenship of young people ;- boost intercultural dialogue;-empower new generation of facilitators and youth workers. The methodology and type of activities will be mainly related to non formal education, coaching, self-expression, simulation games, peer to peer, learning by doing and experimental learning. The important part is that participants are creating the outcome by themselves through their participation and involvement. The result we aim to achieve is to put developed practice and work-forms into book which will be published and spread through project partners and other networks. Once the training is over, participants will implement activities in their own communities and share the information acquired during the course. The ultimate goal of the project is to challenge the traditional ways to manage youth organisation while combining various approaches and bring together different stakeholders. In this way, we strongly believe that we can propose innovative work-forms for facilitators and fellow trainers which can be used in organisation management.





  • Biderbost, Boscán & Rochin - SPAIN
  • ZAVOD ROKA, Zavod za projektni management, Cernelavci - SLOVENIA
  • EU labour rights - NETHERLANDS
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