Friday, 29 September 2023 14:05

"Look Like Me" Project’s Platform - HEFESTOS

In Project Result 3, HEFESTO, the consortium created a bank of resources and educational techniques based on Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolent Communication and Alternative Masculinities. The intention of this output is to develop and promote diversity, egalitarian values, prevention of sexism and gender violence in students through dynamics and activities, all in line with the European Commission's Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025.

HEFESTO platform will impact on students in Secondary Education (14-18 years old). The material that will be used by their educators can be found in the form of Awareness Material such as Flyers and Bookmarks, Movies, Games, Videos, Useful Links, Reports and Publications. Most Importantly though, the partners developed Didactic Scenarios with detailed information and additional content for direct in-class teaching!

You may navigate to the platform and the bank of resources in each category here: