Innovative tools for trainers in order to empower NEETs

Start: 01-10-2019 - End: 30-09-2021
Project Reference: 2019-1-EL01-KA104-061985
EU Grant: 14968 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

Developmental Center of Thessaly, is a certified training provider by EOPPEP, provides and supports organized learning activities aimed at VET and adults aiming at enhancing knowledge, developing and improving skills and competences, developing personality and active personality citizens, as well as the mitigation of cultural and social inequalities. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of the education of NEETs and members of vulnerable social groups.

The major economic and social changes of recent decades, and in particular the widespread, multilevel crisis that is underway, have the effect of seriously affecting the smooth integration of young people into the new social conditions that are shaping. The term NEET is linked to the concept of social exclusion, since people belonging to NEETs are considered vulnerable to long-term unemployment and social exclusion. Education and training generally contribute to preventing this phenomenon by providing all the basic education and initial vocational training necessary for the smooth transition of members of vulnerable social groups into the labor market and, on the other hand, to tackle unemployment and social integration of NEETs.

Our organization, aware of the importance of training and education of NEETs and of the complex and difficult task of the trainer, has decided to submit a mobility plan under ERASMUS +. The aim of the proposed project is to train 8 trainers of our organization in the modern methodologies and practices that are followed in the education and counseling/mentroring of NEETs. As in our country there are no specialized seminars on the training of NEETs training instructors, the proposed project complements the training of teachers and provides them with the necessary tools for incorporating modern teaching methods and counseling to the training to be followed with regard to NEETs.

With the proposed project, our organization will acquire a VET trainer human resource with a high level and internationally recognized (through ECVET acquisition) NEETs training. This will create all the necessary conditions for supporting NEETs and their reintegration into the labor market.

The implementation of the project concerns mainly the follow-up of a specialized and mixed (theory, practice, placement) training seminar (1 week, 25 hours) in the modern methodologies and practices used in the training of NEETs. The seminar consists of both theoretical and observational observation in structures and institutions dealing with NEETs and VET training. The participants will have the opportunity to experience the application of the knowledge and skills acquired during their theoretical training.

