Tuesday, 16 February 2021 16:06

Problem based learning / Inquiry Based Learning

Problem based learning / Inquiry Based Learning

Start: 01-09-2020 - End: 31-08-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-EL01-KA104-078282
EU Grant: 8795 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

The Thessaly Development Center, is a certified training provider by EOPPEP, provides and supports organized learning activities aimed at adults and VETs aimed at enriching knowledge, developing and improving skills and abilities, developing a person's personality and capacity of active citizenship, and to alleviate educational and social inequalities.

In the ever-changing post-industrial society, adults go through short or long periods of unemployment, change careers several times in their professional lives, and are called upon to continually upgrade their knowledge and skills. The benefits of adult education and lifelong learning generally cover all areas of an individual's activities as they help him / her to fulfill all his / her personal, social, family, professional roles.

Recognizing the importance of training and adult education and the complex and difficult role of the trainer, our organization decided to submit a mobility plan within ERASMUS+. The purpose of the proposed project is to train 7 trainers of our organization in the Prague-based ITC training organization with extensive experience in training programs, modern methodologies, learning models and practices followed in adult education and counseling. As in our country there are no specialized seminars on the training of trainers in the field of modern adult learning methods (such as problem solving learning - PBL), the proposed project comes to complement the training of teachers and equip them with necessary tools for integrating modern teaching methods and counseling into the educational process that should be followed.

The ITC Host Partner has many years of experience (18 years) in the field of adult education and training and is a member of the Czech Science Management Committee. It is a pioneer in new innovative learning models and methodologies such as personalized learning, differentiated learning, reversed learning, problem solving learning, project based learning, game based learning, gamification etc.

With the proposed plan, our organization will acquire a highly qualified and internationally recognized adult trainer human resources (through the acquisition of ECVET) with training in problem model learning through problem solving. This will create all the necessary conditions for adult support and integration or reintegration into the labor market. The implementation of the project is mainly concerned with the attendance of a specialized and mixed project (theory, workshop) training seminar on modern methodologies and practices followed in adult education and mainly problem solving learning (PBL).

Target Group of the Project:


Published in Erasmus

Innovative tools for trainers in order to empower NEETs

Start: 01-10-2019 - End: 30-09-2021
Project Reference: 2019-1-EL01-KA104-061985
EU Grant: 14968 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

Developmental Center of Thessaly, is a certified training provider by EOPPEP, provides and supports organized learning activities aimed at VET and adults aiming at enhancing knowledge, developing and improving skills and competences, developing personality and active personality citizens, as well as the mitigation of cultural and social inequalities. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of the education of NEETs and members of vulnerable social groups.

The major economic and social changes of recent decades, and in particular the widespread, multilevel crisis that is underway, have the effect of seriously affecting the smooth integration of young people into the new social conditions that are shaping. The term NEET is linked to the concept of social exclusion, since people belonging to NEETs are considered vulnerable to long-term unemployment and social exclusion. Education and training generally contribute to preventing this phenomenon by providing all the basic education and initial vocational training necessary for the smooth transition of members of vulnerable social groups into the labor market and, on the other hand, to tackle unemployment and social integration of NEETs.

Our organization, aware of the importance of training and education of NEETs and of the complex and difficult task of the trainer, has decided to submit a mobility plan under ERASMUS +. The aim of the proposed project is to train 8 trainers of our organization in the modern methodologies and practices that are followed in the education and counseling/mentroring of NEETs. As in our country there are no specialized seminars on the training of NEETs training instructors, the proposed project complements the training of teachers and provides them with the necessary tools for incorporating modern teaching methods and counseling to the training to be followed with regard to NEETs.

With the proposed project, our organization will acquire a VET trainer human resource with a high level and internationally recognized (through ECVET acquisition) NEETs training. This will create all the necessary conditions for supporting NEETs and their reintegration into the labor market.

The implementation of the project concerns mainly the follow-up of a specialized and mixed (theory, practice, placement) training seminar (1 week, 25 hours) in the modern methodologies and practices used in the training of NEETs. The seminar consists of both theoretical and observational observation in structures and institutions dealing with NEETs and VET training. The participants will have the opportunity to experience the application of the knowledge and skills acquired during their theoretical training.



Published in Erasmus
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 12:02



Start: 01-10-2018 - End: 30-09-2019 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA104-055976 EU Grant: 27360 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

It is aimed to increase the education quality as the teachers of the Public Education Center can have the opportunity to learn the applied special education and training methods and techniques in Europe and to apply these methods and techniques in their courses. Within the scope of the project 12 teachers were attended the course which was held between 11/3/2019 till 17/3/2019 in the premises of Anaptixiako Kentro Thessalias.




Published in Erasmus
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 11:56

A warm Touch to The Cold Heart

A warm Touch to The Cold Heart

Start: 03-09-2018 - End: 02-09-2019 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA101-052532 EU Grant: 43266 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: School education staff mobility

Project Summary

Our project was prepared under Erasmus+ KA1 School Education. Consortium members are Atatürk Anatolian High School, Amasya Anatolian High School and 12 June Anatolian High School.

In our country refugee/immigrant number is explained as 3 million 551vthousand 78 people on 15 February 2017. Only about 800 thousand refugees from Syria are at school age and about %45 of them can go to school.

According to province migration authority data there are 2 thousand 987 registered foreign guests in Amasya and 2 thousand 264 of them are covered by international protection.

The total number of refugee/immigrant students studying in our schools is 623 according to Provincial Education of Ministry. There are 55 students at Kindergarten, 275 at Primary School, 172 at Secondary School and 121 at High School.

Except for Temporary Training Centres, public schools’ not having an appropriate separate training program, registration and equivalence problems, other students’ and especially parents’ reluctance about refugee/immigrant students’ school registration and teachers’ not having enough skill to deal with troubles are basic problems.

With this project, we aim to help refugee/immigrant students (in our schools) integration into both education environment and social life to help teachers and managers have more emphatic view to refugee/immigrant students’ lives. So we aim to communicate with students properly and find solutions about their social and psychological problems. Also providing high academic success, regular school attendance, a wish for staying happy place, increase in their success and social capacity and more healthy plans for future are our aims.

While determining staff from schools, firstly guide teachers then teachers and managers teaching refugee/immigrant students were selected. It was paid special attention to select teachers having most communication with refugee/immigrant students.

A responsible teacher tries to support his/her students by having more information about students’ lives, feeling and ideas. By means of this project, our teachers will have a chance to win a more emphatic view towards refugee/immigrant students’ lives. So they will be able to help them and make them participate in education life with full capacity.

With these trainings refugee/immigrant students’ school absences will decrease, academic success will increase, they will increase their knowledge and skills required in the future by having a better education today and consequently their and their families’ life quality will increase. Staff involved in the project will see different cultures and with cultural interactions, interaction between communities will increase.

Thanks to language training in this project, refugee/immigrant students’ education and social life integration courses and seminars; our teachers will be more cultured and chief architects for building a peaceful society.

All preparations necessary for European Mobility Activities (before and after), airfares, insurance, airport transfers, other transportation and passports will be organized by travel coordinator.

With completion of our project, refugee/immigrant students’ academic performance will increase by connecting proper communication, their school absenteeism will decrease, more realistic solutions will be found to their social and psychological problems, education and social life integration will take place faster, both they and their families will be happier and more successful.

Teachers involved in the project will make cooperation with teachers from other schools. Also with seminars after mobility activities, 150 teachers from all schools in the province will benefit from information, skill and experience. After mobility activities, effective communication seminar will be given to 200 teachers from all schools in the province and participation in this seminar will be provided. Thanks to this seminar, these teachers’ communication with refugee/immigrant students and other students will increase.

The total number of participants in our project is 18. They will have course and examinations about refugee/immigrant students’ integration into education system and social life as groups up 6 in Greece, Italy and Netherlands for 7 days in each country as part of mobility activities.


  • Amasya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY


  • Compass Education - NETHERLANDS
Published in Erasmus
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 09:11

BLUE - Blended Learning usability experience

BLUE - Blended Learning usability experience

Start: 01-10-2016 - End: 30-09-2018 Project Reference: 2016-1-DE02-KA104-003220 EU Grant: 163265 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

The adult education centers in Bavaria are confronted with new challenges concerning the continuing digitalization in the educational sector. The development and diffusion of e-learning tools and technology has deeply changed the opportunities for adult education. Therefore, the Bavarian Association of Adult Education (bvv) initiates an Erasmus+ mobility project called “BLUE - Blended Learning usability experience”. We do not see e-learning as a replacement for traditional instructor-led training but as a complement to it, forming part of a blended-learning strategy for the adult education centers in Bavaria. We want to enhance the executive staff, the specialists and the teachers to continuously broaden their horizons, improve their qualifications and facilitate the exchange of know-how amongst the practice groups. Furthermore we would like to provide learners with opportunities for practical knowledge in very experienced institutions as far as Blended Learning is concerned. This includes rapid further development in pedagogy with regard to the use of information and communication technologies and their consistent implementation in teaching. Without a sustainable teaching concept, the technology is almost useless.Corresponding to the migration movements in Europe, the target groups of our members are constantly changing. We try to develop frameworks to support easy and cost-effective access to a wider range of educational opportunities for adults that include elements of blended learning approaches. During the two year-term of the EU-financed project, we plan to send about 99 participants from our associated members, the adult education centres in Bavaria, to different educational institutions among Europe, which offer courses for adults that deal with blended learning issues and are really experienced in the use of it. The bvv will be responsible for the project development, punctuality and proper billing. With our project work we would like to promote the intercultural exchange of ideas and knowledge, an exchange all sides could certainly benefit from. We plan to work with partners from Greece, Estonia, Denmark, United Kingdom and Cyprus.



  • Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband e.V. - GERMANY


  • Valga County Vocational Training Centre - ESTONIA
Published in Erasmus
Friday, 03 May 2019 13:15


Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Adult trainee-centered strategies for life long e-learning

Start: 01-09-2014 - End: 31-08-2016
Project Reference: 2014-1-EL01-KA104-001256
EU Grant: 22248 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Adult education staff mobility

Project Summary

The swift growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their indisputable intrusion in every kind of production process, work, communication and culture have involved radical changes in all sectors of human activity (Castells, M. 1998, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 1: The Rise of the Network Society). This changes and their social dimension constitute important priority issues of the agenda of political, economic and educational institutions in the most countries of the world (OECD, 2003.Beyond rhetoric: adult learning policies and practices, Paris).

The constantly changing social-economic environment prompts the person to readapt and constantly improve their skills, knowledge, and dexterities (YPEPTH, 2006. New Information and Communication Technologies in Adult Education) in order to correspond not only in their personal needs but also the rapidly changing needs of the labour market. Adults, in order to satisfy their learning and educational needs that are formed and created by these changes, seek alternatives and opportunities both in informal learning and non-formal education. The integration of modern ICT, especially e-learning, in programs of adult education is, in many cases, the solution and recourse in this search while, at the same time, it constitutes the basic priority of educational policies in most of the developed countries of the world.

The process of electronic learning (e-learning) is not only complicated but also exigent for both the participants/trainees and the teachers/instructors/tutors. The instructor’s contribution in the process of e-learning is catalytic during the process and also for the results. These are some of the reasons that concern the reduction of the leaks of the programs, the elimination of participants’ isolation feeling, and their encouragement (Denis V., et all 2004. Roles and Competencies of the e-tutor.)

In this particular proposed plan, 25 adults instructors of the Developmental Centre of Thessaly will take part. These instructors constitute the corpus of the adults instructors of our organization and they come from different scientific fields (economists, foreign language teachers, professors of ICT etc) so as to reinforce as many educational fields of training as possible implemented by the Developmental Centre Thessaly. As it has already been mentioned, the use of modern technology in the educational process (especially in e-learning) creates high requirements for the instructors as well, who ought to follow a constant reeducational process in order to be highly qualified.

According to this frame and logic our organization (Developmental Centre of Thessaly) has submitted an application for the approval of a plan that aspires to cover the needs of adults tutors participants concerning:

  • a) their professional competences and skills
  • b) their educational skills
  • c) their communication skills
  • d)their technological skills.

The activities and the methodology that will be used for the implementation of the plan concern mainly the attendance of a specialized and well-structured professional training seminar (ten weekdays) about the incorporation of e-learning in adult education aiming at the adults instructors/tutors training in modern practices and developments of the branch. The seminar will consist of both theoretical and practical training so that the trained tutors will have the opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge through not only the creation and management of virtual electronic courses (units) but also the development of short educational material suitable for e-learning process.

Following the principles of ECVET, partnership gives the trainees the opportunity to acquire certified and standard knowledge, dexterities and skills which is one of the main goals of the plan. The fact that the professional training seminar attended by the trainees will take place under the approval, recognition and certification of the Region of Umbria in Italy, shows its importance for the participants’ professional development.

The project will help our organization meet its targets relating to contemporary adult education, online learning, distance learning and open educational resources (Open Educational Resources-OER).

The AKETH will fully exploit the potential of e-learning and in combination with high level trained e-tutors for adults, that will arise from the project, will try to established itself as a major provider of online education for adults.

Website: http://up.aketh.gr/courses/AKETH100/




  • European Grants International Academy Srls Unipersonale - ITALY
Published in Erasmus