Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Adult trainee-centered strategies for life long e-learning
Start: 01-09-2014 - End: 31-08-2016 Project Reference: 2014-1-EL01-KA104-001256 EU Grant: 22248 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: Adult education staff mobility
Project Summary
The swift growth of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their indisputable intrusion in every kind of production process, work, communication and culture have involved radical changes in all sectors of human activity (Castells, M. 1998, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. 1: The Rise of the Network Society). This changes and their social dimension constitute important priority issues of the agenda of political, economic and educational institutions in the most countries of the world (OECD, 2003.Beyond rhetoric: adult learning policies and practices, Paris).
The constantly changing social-economic environment prompts the person to readapt and constantly improve their skills, knowledge, and dexterities (YPEPTH, 2006. New Information and Communication Technologies in Adult Education) in order to correspond not only in their personal needs but also the rapidly changing needs of the labour market. Adults, in order to satisfy their learning and educational needs that are formed and created by these changes, seek alternatives and opportunities both in informal learning and non-formal education. The integration of modern ICT, especially e-learning, in programs of adult education is, in many cases, the solution and recourse in this search while, at the same time, it constitutes the basic priority of educational policies in most of the developed countries of the world.
The process of electronic learning (e-learning) is not only complicated but also exigent for both the participants/trainees and the teachers/instructors/tutors. The instructor’s contribution in the process of e-learning is catalytic during the process and also for the results. These are some of the reasons that concern the reduction of the leaks of the programs, the elimination of participants’ isolation feeling, and their encouragement (Denis V., et all 2004. Roles and Competencies of the e-tutor.)
In this particular proposed plan, 25 adults instructors of the Developmental Centre of Thessaly will take part. These instructors constitute the corpus of the adults instructors of our organization and they come from different scientific fields (economists, foreign language teachers, professors of ICT etc) so as to reinforce as many educational fields of training as possible implemented by the Developmental Centre Thessaly. As it has already been mentioned, the use of modern technology in the educational process (especially in e-learning) creates high requirements for the instructors as well, who ought to follow a constant reeducational process in order to be highly qualified.
According to this frame and logic our organization (Developmental Centre of Thessaly) has submitted an application for the approval of a plan that aspires to cover the needs of adults tutors participants concerning:
- a) their professional competences and skills
- b) their educational skills
- c) their communication skills
- d)their technological skills.
The activities and the methodology that will be used for the implementation of the plan concern mainly the attendance of a specialized and well-structured professional training seminar (ten weekdays) about the incorporation of e-learning in adult education aiming at the adults instructors/tutors training in modern practices and developments of the branch. The seminar will consist of both theoretical and practical training so that the trained tutors will have the opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge through not only the creation and management of virtual electronic courses (units) but also the development of short educational material suitable for e-learning process.
Following the principles of ECVET, partnership gives the trainees the opportunity to acquire certified and standard knowledge, dexterities and skills which is one of the main goals of the plan. The fact that the professional training seminar attended by the trainees will take place under the approval, recognition and certification of the Region of Umbria in Italy, shows its importance for the participants’ professional development.
The project will help our organization meet its targets relating to contemporary adult education, online learning, distance learning and open educational resources (Open Educational Resources-OER).
The AKETH will fully exploit the potential of e-learning and in combination with high level trained e-tutors for adults, that will arise from the project, will try to established itself as a major provider of online education for adults.
Website: http://up.aketh.gr/courses/AKETH100/
- European Grants International Academy Srls Unipersonale - ITALY
Spread the ART of going UP
Project Reference: 2014-1-EL01-KA204-001641 EU Grant: 224493.43 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
Europe in recent years has been undergoing a period of very high unemployment, especially among youth. This situation needs to be reversed.
One of the most promising ways to achieve that is through entrepreneurship. Within the economic crisis and the endless discussions about the formula on how to get out of it, there is a new trend that brings optimism. This trend is based on individual initiative and the need to create new businesses that will offer innovative services, cover needs tailored to clients and will use new technologies to achieve these goals, and all of these will be achieved with great savings on resources without affecting the quality of the final product. This is the essence of the neophyte company, known worldwide as a “Startup”.
The whole movement of startups has many fans and supporters, and there have been many activities in order to promote this concept, such as creating entrepreneurship incubators, briefings , workshops , meetings , conferences , seminars. Although this is the movement in major urban centers of the countries of Europe, it is found that in the province there aren’t such initiatives, but the need for promotion of entrepreneurship and the concept of the startup remains high.
Therefore, through this plan we aim to:
- To promote the concept of entrepreneurship
- make an introduction to project participants with concepts such as startup businesses, innovation and entrepreneurship
- rise up awareness among young people and other age groups who want to enter the labor market
- The reduction of social exclusion caused by unemployment and part-time employment
- growing entrepreneurial culture and mindset that wil encourage and sustain successful entrepreneurial endeavors
- the promotion of new technologies as a means for the development, operation and spread of the entrepreneurial idea and new businesses
- Acquaintance and aggregation of people who share the same passion for entrepreneurship, in order to create business groups that will jointly develop their idea, thus contributing to the development of local economy
- Participants will meet with professionals and experts in the field of business startup, in order to receive support and guidance for the establishment of their own business
- promote mobilization and cooperation of all stakeholders in order to achieve the goals ( individuals , private companies, entrepreneurs , local and regional bodies , chambers )
- promote partner regions as examples of good practice in order to set an example to be followed by other regions in the future.
- promote internationalization of stakeholders and networking between countries
- find a common methodology to deal with common problems among partner countries , such as unemployment and the definition of common objectives that need to be dealt with
- the transfer of innovation, knowledge transfer and experience at international level
The main activities of the program include:
- Study analysis with data for each partner country, focusing on each region about unemployment in different age groups, they type of employment, occupations in greatest demand, new business creation and their nature, the occupation of the people of each region with activities related to entrepreneurship, the gap in education and the absence of non incentives for young entrepreneurs.
Website: http://www.startuperasmusplus.com/
- TDM 2000 - ITALY
- Sociedad de Promocion Economica de Gran Canaria, S.A.U. - SPAIN
- STEP Institut, zavod za psihologijo dela in podjetnistvo - SLOVENIA