Start: 15-10-2018 - End: 14-04-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059710 EU Grant: 94165 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The elderly population is increasing all over the world, especially in European countries. The most important reasons for this are technological developments in the field of health over the last 20 years, the development of healthier living conditions, the increase in education and the development of health services. With significantly declining mortality rates, people live longer and there is an overall decline in birth rates in developed countries.
Depending on the stress of daily life, Alzheimer's disease, especially in those 65 years and older, is rapidly increasing on a global scale. Direct treatment of Alzheimer's disease is not possible. During the onset of the disease, various exercises, cognative, social and cultural activities are all precautionary measures that can be taken to slow the progression of the disease. Cognative activities that exercise thinking and memory skills have positive effects on psychology and the general over all improvement in people’s performance
The USE IT OR LOSE IT project aims to prevent and draw attention to Alzheimer's disease by developing innovative practices and implementing co-operative initiatives, mutual learning and exchnage experiences to promote cooperation at the European level. Specific Objectives of the project;
- Prevention and awareness of Alzheimer’s and the early onset of the disease.
- To İncrease awarness and draw attention to Alzheimer's disease at local, national and international level.
- Creating an activity book (occupational therapy guide) for local and Europe-wide usage to assist in the improvement of memory in Altzheimer’s patients and those with early onset dementia.
- To establish co-operation and partnership at the European level.
Within the scope of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program, it is aimed to establish a guidebook for occupational therapy and treatment of Alzheimer's patients and their families. It will be a guide for patients with the onset of Alzheimer's outlining what activities can be performed to combat the disease, beneficial nutrition, what care and responsibilities the family can provide and which social activities will be effective in combating Alzheimer's. The guidebook will be translated in several languages, primarily English ,the languages of the partners moreover Arabic for Syrian refugees. The activities in the guidebook will be used in the occupational therapy rooms of local nursing homes which belong to our institution that provide services for the elderly directed by an occupational therapist. Furthermore, Partners will use this guidebook in Europe.
Our Project partners are Kahramanmaras Family and Social Policies Provincial Directorate, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Health Services University, Alzheimer Bulgaria Association (Bulgaria) , SSW Collegium Balticum(Polond), Anaptyxıako Kentro Thessalıas (Greece), International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy)
- Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality - TURKEY
- Kahramanmaras Aile Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler il Müdürlügü - TURKEY
- гражданско сдружение Алцхаймер България - BULGARIA
- Szczecinska Szkola Wyzsza Collegium Balticum - POLAND
Immigrant Friendly Cities
Immigrant Friendly Cities
Start: 03-09-2018 - End: 02-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059285 EU Grant: 163238 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The digital age offers local governments unprecedented possibilities to engage with residents in novel ways. Cities across the globe are using digital tools, such as web portals and applications (apps), to improve access to public services, enhance responsiveness, better understand the needs of the populations they serve, and provide platforms for deeper civic engagement.
Research has shown that disadvantaged groups, including immigrants and minorities, are high users of smartphones and social media, and could theoretically be reached through these tools. Newly arrived immigrants are some of the most vulnerable in society and are often in need of support settling in and connecting to information about local services and jobs. However, these groups are often thought to be digitally, as well as socially excluded, and the move by governments to online platforms could exacerbate existing barriers to accessing public services. Furthermore, these groups may lack the necessary digital skills and host-country language ability to take full advantage of digital government services.
Based on interviews with city officials, local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), academics, business practitioners, and experts on immigration and digital inclusion, the article analyzes city efforts to capitalize on the new opportunities offered by digital technology to reach immigrant communities, and explores the efforts of municipal governments to ensure that no one is left out of these technological shifts.Cities serve as epicenters for immigration and hubs of innovation in digital governance; some have developed digital-inclusion strategies aimed at reducing the digital divide and thus helping integration efforts.
In this way,our project aims to create permanent information services for immigrants by developing web platforms, mobile Apps and online trainings for immigrant advisors. The need to develop immigrant information services exists because in many cases people have a lack of information when moving into a new country or a new city about how to proceed with residence permits, social security issues, jobsearch etc. and even about what services are available. For this purpose the project will produce a web platfarm as a OER for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in 6 languages and a mobile APP for refugees.So there will be information services in the nearby area which genuinely work and are organized in co-operation between different public authorities.Adult education trainers will also improve their competences by offering new ways of learning, as a result of the cooperation and exchange of experiences at international level.As education is considered indispensable to integration there is an increasing need to prepare all adult education providers ,immigrant advisors and officers in public authorities in the most affected EU countries to initiate relevant programmes with the newly arrived migrants and refugees. Additionally, the project aimed at developing and growing the multicultural skills of these staff by organizing MOOC(Massive open online course) on the web platform.The objective of the Partnership is to propose and implement ways for better managing the integration of migrants and refugees considering in particular cities’ challenges and needs.Increasing the supply of and encouraging individuals’ engagement in adult learning as a means of strengthening social inclusion and active participation in the community and society, and improving access to adult learning for migrants, Roma and disadvantaged groups, as well as learning provision for refugees and people seeking asylum, including host country-language learning, where appropriate.Totally 450 refugees/newly arrived immigrants will join the surveys and workshops as a participants.And totally 80 staff will join the MOOC to develop their cskills and competences in refugee integration.
By the end of the project,public authorities will create a web based platforms,APP and they will train their staff.So the refugees/immigrants should have public guidance services by using digital tools.A learning model will be developed with digital tools and fostering respect and understanding for diversity, intercultural competencies and values
Refugees and newly arrived migrants will communicate with others beyond one’s own group, to move about independently,or thus helping them to adapt to a place of arrival easily, efficiently and effectively.
Newly settled migrants and refugees are equipped with functional and practical language skills to carry out simple tasks required of them during their first few months in-country.
- Aydin Il Goc Idaresi Mudurlugu - TURKEY
- Sosyal Etki ve Yenilikci Egitim Dernegi - TURKEY
- wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH - GERMANY
- Fønix AS - NORWAY
- Aydin Valiligi - TURKEY
Developing Farmers' Digital Skills
Developing Farmers' Digital Skills
Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059557 EU Grant: 250265 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), which have become increasingly important, have contributed to the increase of the economic growth of the countries and the improvement of the living standards of the individuals.According to this many countries have recognized the imperative of digital technologies, acknowledging the necessity to educate their citizens.
The improvement of digital infrastructures and mobile technologies creates new opportunities for increased citizen digital participation; however, digital participation faces numerous challenges.
The role and significance of ICT and information literacy within agricultural activities present through a review of European development initiatives and theoretical insights regarding this topic. It will reveal obstacles on the current level of skills and promote the readiness to adopt new knowledge and technologies.
Proficiency in basic computer skills and information literacy will contribute to empowerment and emancipation of farmers who can become active participants in further agriculture development stages within the chain of decision-making. As an important social group, farmers should be empowered through training programmes within the education system and through other initiatives aimed at upgrading the existing body of knowledge
After we defined the problems and the needs, we have designed the "Developing Farmers' Digital Skills (DIGIFARMER)" project.Our partnership composed of agricultural local authorities,NGOs,vet insitutions and digital companies from Turkey,Chezc Republic,Spain and Italy.
Our project aims to contribute to the active involvement of rural farmers/producers in social & business life and to ensure that farmers are more active by increasing digital transversal skills; thus to increase their efficiency and productivity in their life.
And our project will provide training on developing digital skills ensuring that therural population is able to take advantage of new technologies and tools.
The objectives of our project are;
- Increase the digital skills of farmers who live in rural areas
- Develop trainers' cross-skills and competencies
- Develop an innovative educational methodology in the digital field
- Increase productivity & efficiency through increasing farmers’ transversal skills
- Develop digital citizenship skills of rural farmers
- Ensure farmers to use internet tools & smartphone applications in social and business life effectively.
In our project;We will produce Digital skills taining course-module,learning/Training Materials (printed and digital),training tools and OER,digifarmer Website,digifarmer application (smartphone app) and Digifarmer E-Platform as intellectual outputs.
We will identify key drivers for digital citizen participation and compares the results in the context of rural and urban settings. The descriptive analyses provide insights on digital competence differences in the rural versus urban areas and their current usages of online public services.
22 Trainers will be trained to improve their digital skills and competences.
By implementing and on its completion of the project main expected results and outcomes are;
- Digital skills of rural farmers/producers who live in rural areas will be increased providing to rural farmers different problem solving ways.
- Farmers who live in rural areas will become more active in their social life and in their works.
- Trainers' cross-skills and competencies will have been developed.
- An innovative educational methodology in the digital field for rural farmers will be developed.
- Euroform RFS - ITALY
- Soke Zirai Uretim Isletmesi Tarimsal Yayim ve Hizmetici Egitim Merkezi Mudurlugu - TURKEY
- Institut pro trénink pohostinnosti - CZECHIA
- Aydin Valiligi - TURKEY
Charter of Common Refugee Strategies
Charter of Common Refugee Strategies
Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059635 EU Grant: 166370 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The number of international migrants has increased by 49 per cent since 2000 to 258 million in 2017, according to a report published by the United Nations for International Day of Migration. According to the report, in 2017, 26 million (10 percent) of international migrants are refugees or asylum seekers. Moreover, these numbers belonging to asylum seekers and refugees are increasing due to the internal war in Syria in recent years. This is becoming a significant issue of European Union's and Commission's agenda, which are “strengthening the common asylum policy” and “developing a new policy on legal migration”.
This issue increases the demand for the basic needs of newly arrived refugees and provision of these needs. This is becoming a priority social policy area within countries with asylum seekers and refugees. Lack of informative, educational and supportive tools make refugees less likely to seek remedy for health, follow advices from the authorities to find official employment. In addition, lack of language skills creates another barrier for newly arrived refugees to understand bureaucratic procedures to integrate into society.
On the other hand, lack of informative, educational and supportive tools for adult education providers and professionals working with refugees to benefit from in order to ensure quality of services provided; to better understand refugees; to better integrate them into society.
CORES addresses those issues by working with adult education providers in different program countries to ease the burden of refugees’ crises left on governments in EU; to contribute the newly arrived and host society mutual acceptance. CORES, firstly, will examine social harmony within the Programme countries, and develop a Charter of Common Refugee Strategies at the European Union level, which takes into account local dynamics and values for each partner country.
CORES aims to develop tools (online learning platform) for professionals working in the field of adult education to use during their practices. This tool will be computerized through using the information contained in this charter to be used by the adult education providers as informative, educational and supportive material in electronic format.
In this regard, for Turkey and all EU Member States, our project proposal specifically aims (1) to prepare an analysis report (needs and situation analysis) in order to inform local and national authorities, adult education providers regarding the holistic needs of refugees; (2) to inform the newly arrived about the rights of citizenship and the possibilities of acquiring citizenship; (3) to support them about the problem of housing (4) to inform and guide them about the right of access to the health services, (5) to inform them about the right and possibilities of basic education, (6) to support them in finding jobs and help them to integrate the labor market, and finally (7) to support the quick and better social harmony to newly arrived country and society (8) to create an online learning platform in order to make use of specific aims mentioned above for authorities, adult education providers, refugees.
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universitesi - TURKEY
Tutorbot for VET
Tutorbot for VET
Start: 01-10-2018 - End: 30-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048229 EU Grant: 275698 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Summary
The advances of technology in the modern world has dramatically changed how we live our day-to-day lives including the learning processes. However, according to the data provided by the Commission, 37% of the EU workforce has low digital skills or none and only 20-25% of them are taught by teachers who are confident using technology in the classroom. Early 2018, the Commission adopted a Digital Education Action Plan which includes 11 initiatives to support technology use and digital competence development in education, one of its key action focuses on supporting the digital readiness of both general and vocational schools by strengthening their digital capacity.
This is why the partners created this project that aims at designing and testing an innovative digital methodology for VET that combines Conversational Agent Technology or chatbot with an ad hoc designed modular learning path. /p>
Chatbots are computer programs that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to conduct conversation via auditory or textual methods. It is a form of a dialog system of virtual assistant, giving them the ability to, for example, small talking or engaging in casual conversations unrelated to the scopes of their primary expert systems. Its usage has increased enormously in the last 5 years with the internet of things but also with their integration on massive messaging platform (Facebook Messenger, WeChat or Kik). Instead of downloading yet another app, users are comfortable using their messaging apps to complete other tasks, like booking a table or checking the weather.
Adapted chatbot systems can offer students a range of advantages and act as a digital form of tutoring based on their ability to respond to their needs in an immediate and natural manner, particularly where interaction occurs within the broader context of an integrated learning environment. Furthermore, chatbots exhibit the capacity to create informal connections with users that they can be leveraged to support ubiquity and self-directed learning as well as personal and professional development. These characteristics are extremely important in the learning process and the benefits of the tutoring of students has been demonstrated on many occasions in the scientific literature for all learners, and especially for the disadvantaged ones.
This is why we offer to create together a Tutor Chatbot to support the students in their learning process and the trainers in their training. To do so we intend give the tools to trainers to create their own chatbot in the form of a chatbot creator platform, but also 4 different chatbots, filled with content and connected to the learning outcomes of the VET centres involved in the project, as well as a chatbot design guide and a chatbot creation training module to support trainers and VET organisations in developing their own chatbots.
- Grone-Bildungszentren Berlin GmbH -gemeinnützig- - GERMANY
- SCS LogoPsyCom - BELGIUM
Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All
Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All
Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048220 EU Grant: 281568 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Summary
Digital skills are today as important as being able to read or write in order to remain employable in a more and more digitalized working place. They are used and expected in more than 90% of jobs, in every professional sector. However, European Union is facing a huge digital skills challenge. According to a factsheet released in September 2017 by the European Commision (“A Digital Europe needs Digital Skills”) only 56% of Europeans aged from 16 to 75 have at least basic digital skills.
One big trend of the digitalization of the labor market, that impacts all sectors, is the massive publishing of multimedia digital contents, gradually replacing traditional printed documents or opening the door to new kinds of publication.
Augmented reality, virtual reality, 360° video, enriched publications are conquering our screens, our cultural and professional practices and thus revolutionizing the way we produce and consult content.
However, if professionals come into almost daily contact with these new forms of enriched content in their professional and personal lives, few of them know their means of production, their cost, their use....
These new technologies are often perceived as complex, expensive and reserved for specialists and often cause reluctance or even anxiety when we are asked to use or implement them within a company. The lack of knowledge of easy-to-use creation tools increase the gap between “specialists” or “geeks” and the whole of professionals.
In order to tackle this issue, we intend to create the first European training on the practices and tools of 6 main technologies involved in enhanced contents publishing and dissemination: EPUB 3, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Video 360°, Interactive Video and augmented printed materials.
Practically, the Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All project will gather:
- A MOOC on the new technologies of enhanced content publishing
- Toolkits on tools of production and database of resources
- Reusable models
- Explanatory sheets
- A training implementation guide
The project will target learners of all age involved in the VET sectors, including the trainers and teachers. To do so, we intend to create a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) that will be accessible by all and to collaborate with VET providers in order to integrate the content of this course to their curricula.
In addition, we will pay a special attention to make the content available for all in order to avoid leaving learners on the side. Therefore, the content that will be created will be designed to be adapted as much as possible for individuals with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) which represent 8 to 15% of the population in Europe, depending on the sources.
As the digitalization of the professional world is a global process and all european countries are facing the same issue, our consortium gather VET providers and trainers in ICT in order to answer globally at vocational transversal needs that go beyond national and sectoral borders.
We will provide a learning certification for our learners : this certificate will be worth 1 ECVET.
During the program, we aim at gathering for the research, testing and use of the contents:
- More than 100 professionals in their respective network contacted and linked per partner (20 per partner)
- At least 500 learners attending the MOOC
- A completion rate of 20% of the MOOC (double the average of online course)
- More than 500 users of the Open educational resources
In terms of dissemination, we aim to reach directly:
- 80 people attending the International multiplier event
- 200 (40x5) people attending the national multiplier events.
- More than 500 VET institutions contacted
- More 2.500 people reached through the dissemination campaign
The DIMPA project has the practical objective to provide learners with operational tools, enabling them to define a digital strategy relying on enhanced contents production. In that way, we will improve their digital skills. Their professional curriculum will have a genuine added value to answer the imperatives of evolving professional practices and the expectations of employers and audiences. The will be able to reuse immediately a set of practical tools providing by the training within their daily professional practice, and thus improve their working tools.
We intend that the DIMPA training will be an asset to increase participant employment not only at local job market, but also at international level.
The DIMPA project is designed to function independently at the end of the project. By developing an easy-to-use platform and providing the training implementation guide, we expect VET community and trainers to appropriate the platform after the EU financing.
- Rhéatis - FRANCE
- SCS LogoPsyCom - BELGIUM
- Les Apprimeurs - FRANCE
Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy
Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy
Start: 01-10-2018 - End: 30-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-EL01-KA202-047749 EU Grant: 240340 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Summary
The transition to Circular Economy (CE) is an essential contribution to the EU efforts of developing a sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient and competitive economy (Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the CE, 2015). Such a transition represents the opportunity to transform our economy, generate green jobs and build up sustainable competitive advantages for Europe. This project aims to fill a gap in Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes dealing with zero waste and circular economy.
Skills and competences for Zero Waste and Circular Economy (ZW&CE) are becoming extremely important. In Europe, we are using per person 16 t/a (tons per year) of material, of which 5 t/a become waste. Although waste management continues to improve, the EU economy still loses a significant fraction of potential 'secondary raw materials' in waste streams. The CE package, adopted by the Commission in 2015, has created an important momentum to support the transition towards a more CE in the EU. CE gained more significance in 2018 when the new CE Action Plan and a series of more restrictive waste and product policies have been adopted (eg, plastic policy). Transition to CE may only be successful if the corresponding awareness, competences and skills are deeply embedded in the knowledge and daily routine of EU professionals and companies and from this perspective VET education for ZW&CE is critical.
The primary goal of EduZWaCE Strategic Partnerships is to supporting exchange of good practices, enabling stakeholders to deepen and spread out knowledge, develop and reinforce networks, increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, and share and confront ideas, practices and methods. The project aims to create new VET programmes dealing with waste and circular economy, and focuses on developing the interdisciplinary skills needed for the jobs of the future that are tailor-made for the needs of the employers/SMEs.
With this project we would like to build up a common approach for VET Teachers and learners across EU to respond to the requirements of the future and flexible job market.
The project will focus on the following specific objectives:
- Develop partnerships amongst educators, businesses and stakeholders with the purpose of supporting VET learners in acquiring and developing skills and key competences in CE and foster employability
- Facilitate recognition and validation of competences for new jobs: the ZW&CE Manager and the ZW&CE Technician, by building two Skill Card Sets, structured in accordance with the standards and designed based on the ECVET requirements.
- Make education in ZW&CE available for all, by setting the EduZWaCE as an Open Education Resource (OER)
The project will be implemented based on a collaborative approach: cooperation between the project partners and collaboration between the consortium and the stakeholders at the local, national, and international level. EduZWaCE will respect the Sociocracy 3.0 collaborative approach. The project outcomes will be delivered using free, open, collective purpose based framework of patterns, will support exchange of good practices allowing organisations to develop and reinforce networks. It will increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods whilst respecting co-creativity principles, fostering transparency and guaranteeing the equivalence of all participants in decision making.
Through its deliverables: (1) EduZWaCE Knowledge HUB; (2) EduZWaCE Skill Card Sets for two jobs roles; (3) EduZWaCE online collaborative platform; (4) EduZWaCE course and (5) EduZWaCE diagnosis tool, the project will foster cooperation between companies, stakeholders and VET educators. It will increase motivation of VET Teachers to use/re-use, adapt and/or modify the training materials, with the aim to improve the acquisition of key competences for their learners/students and to raise awareness of the local and regional policy makers on the importance of taking measures for promoting best practices and flexible learning pathways in VET from an interdisciplinary perspective.
On long term the project will have a strong impact on the creation of better interdisciplinary competences directly used for current or future professions and to the adoption of more circular economy solutions.
The project involves an appropriate mix of complementary participating organisations with the necessary profile, experience and expertise to successfully deliver all aspects of the project. They will become the facilitators of the EduZWaCE platform, support its utilization and the co-creation of CE solutions through cooperation and exchange – this will empower them as main stakeholders of ZW&CE application in the countries and will contribute to their organisational development.
- Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia I.P. - PORTUGAL
- Asociatia Centrul National pentru Productie si Consum Durabile - ROMANIA
- Global Reach Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia - GREECE
Let's Create Chances for Future Prosperity for Our Children from Broken Family
Let's Create Chances for Future Prosperity for Our Children from Broken Family
Start: 31-12-2017 - End: 30-12-2018 Project Reference: 2017-1-TR01-KA101-040955 Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals Action Type: School education staff mobility
Project Summary
The aim of the project is to reduce inequality between children from broken families and these children's peers to try to help them as guides. Furthermore, by the help of course, we will be able to help students from broken families to overcome prejudges owned by their peers and people in their immediate environment. As a result, we will be able to support our students from broken families academically, cognitively and personally.
- Birinci Inonu Ilkokulu - TURKEY