Start: 01-06-2021 - End: 31-05-2023
Project Reference: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-SCH-094521
EU Grant: 198069 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Partnerships for Creativity
Project Summary
COVID19's socio-economic impact on the cultural and artistic sectors has been unprecedented, as social distancing measures meant that they could not remain open. In addition to the devastating financial consequences, the promotion of culture and the use of art as tools for cohesion and education almost disappeared staying only at the core family level. In this context, steps should be taken to initiate real change in the way we protect and develop our common cultural heritage from an early age.In today's conditions, digital approaches to culture that promote active citizenship and social inclusion related to people's participation in culture are gaining importance.
"Our Cultures" brings together 7 cross-sector institutions from 6 different culturally diverse countries ( UK, Spain ,Turkey ,Portugal ,Italy and Greece) including schools, cultural and civil society NGOs.
Our project focuses on providing art-based learning, creating digital concrete content and making the created content easily accessible open source in order to live, sustain and promote our common cultural heritage.Our project aims to create learning tools, resources, materials and training modules in order to encourage creativity and multiculturalism.Our main goal is to create active learning opportunities in formal and non-formal education institutions, through the use of technology in arts and education.
Our project's intellectual outputs are:
O1; Virtual Culture Travel (Time and Space Travel) (Mobile application)
02; Experiential Learning Activity Books (Primary / Secondary School)
O3; Cultural Heritage Awareness Materials (Digital Arts)
We will also organise:
6 national multipliers
1 international multiplier
2 LTTs
* To grow a sense of curiosity and tolerance among students and educators for living in a global and interconnected world with digital cultural data tools by placing our cultural heritage at the very centre of our lives,
* To obtain concrete inputs that will increase the intercultural interaction between cultural, artistic and equational institutions in a sustainable way and carry our cultural heritage to the future,
* For children and young people to discover and experience our common cultural heritage inside and outside the classroom; to enable them to develop and strengthen their different identities within an interactive, democratic, and multicultural conscious citizenship perspective,
* To ensure that children and young people have direct experience with the original heritage phenomenon (Experiential learning), be actively involved in the process, gaining commitment to the idea of protecting cultural heritage, interpreting cultural heritage and seeking their own meaningful context behind the facts,
* To make our students realize the local / universal dimension of culture through digital tools and arts: Students will reveal their feelings, thoughts and perceptions freely and sincerely through artistic activities, they will offer creative products for our cultural heritage.Students will be able to transfer their creative abilities to every aspect of their lives with the different perspectives they have gained on our cultural heritage, and they will be able to beautify their environment by gaining an aesthetic consciousness.
* Developing digital literacy, collaboration and critical thinking skills of our participants through digital data tool (Web 2.0 tools, augmented reality) studies:Our participants will be able to use these competencies they have acquired on different platforms.
* To make an impressive presentation of the cultural structures and areas in the region where our partners live, using the augmented reality method and 3D design technique:This tool will have interactive content that students can easily use in lessons and outside the classroom.Our Virtual Culture Travel Tool will make a tangible contribution to cultural tourism by making the regions where partners live a center of attraction.
Students (7-15 years old), teachers and other educators and professionals working in formal (e.g. schools) and informal (e.g. in the community) settings. Secondary target groups include policy makers, decision makers, the media and general public as well as parents and carers.
During times of despair, using the underlying values of restorative justice (e.g. power sharing, equality, dignity and respect) "Our Cultures" will create a sense of belonging and awareness about the common cultural and artistic heritage of Europe.The necessity of discovering different cultures through intercultural interactions and of course the dimension of the culture extending from local to universal make the transnational implementation of the project important and necessary in order to gain European awareness.
Target Group of the Project:
- Restorative Justice for All International Institute cic - United Kingdom
- Fattore K - Italy
- Bozyazi Kultur Sanat Ve Muzik Dernegi - Turkey
- Agrupamento de Escolas do Barreiro - Portugal
Culture, Creativity, Inclusion
Culture, Creativity, Inclusion
Start: 01-05-2021 - End: 30-04-2023
Project Reference: 2020-1-IT02-KA227-SCH-094804
EU Grant: 155850 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Partnerships for Creativity
Project Summary
In initiating the project “Culture, Creativity, Inclusion”, the institutions from Italy, Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Latvia, schools and NGOs involved in intercultural education, started from the social and educational value of culture; the existence in their regions of similar contexts: multicultural students groups with discriminatory tendencies; their needs in intercultural education as a strategy for social inclusion, for reducing marginalization and to diversify the Curriculum; needs for non-formal education strategies to replace classical teaching based only on the transmission of knowledge, to create a positive working atmosphere, attractive lessons, and ICT resources; a rich national cultural heritage used as a support for intercultural education. Their strategic objectives are the orientation towards innovative, and attractive European didactics.
The aim of the project is to increase interculturality, creativity, and innovation in the practices of partner institutions, to develop skills through culture and creativity.
Project objectives for teachers as the main target group and for partner institutions:
- 1. To offer the acquisition of innovative and motivating strategies for the social inclusion of students, using as support the national and European cultural and artistic elements.
- 2. To provide the acquisition of types of non-formal intercultural education activities, through the exchange of good practices between partners, during LTTAs.
- 3. To offer the possibility to create, through collaboration, efficient digital resources in learning about European cultural diversity and the appreciation of the common European values;
- 4. To offer partner institutions their professional development, promote attractive non-formal teaching, and support schools in their regions with European digital educational resources.
The project's methodology consists of 6 LTTAs that each involves 20 teachers from partner institutions and 6-10 teachers from the host institution, and is based on innovative approaches: theoretical presentations and examples about the educational value of culture; cultural workshops; non-formal approach to a UNESCO monument; cultural theatre and creative workshops starting from works of art and cultural elements in the UNESCO Heritage; examples of involving students in cultural activities and promoting traditional elements: music, food culture, old occupations, handicrafts, folk dance; cultural ICT workshop using the media with a cultural message, to create certain types of videos and the "Digital Photo Story" as a final product.
Students will only be involved in Virtual Exchanges with partner students and in local activities included in LTTA in their schools; they will be presenters of cultural elements, actors in theater and cultural workshops, promoters of their cultural values.
Expected results through LTTAs: the acquisition of information on classroom management for inclusive education, good practices in encouraging the students ’integration; non-formal strategies and valuable multimedia resources for learning interculturality and developing students' creativity; types of cultural and ICT creative workshops; learning experiences to develop intercultural skills; educational practices using as support the national material and immaterial cultural elements of the UNESCO heritage and the traditional elements; ICT creative skills based on the cultural elements; "Digital Photo-Story", the final project product; creating E-twinning Space and the project website as tools for promoting and disseminating results.
Expected results through the students' participation: superior intercultural competencies, respect, and tolerance for other cultures; new motivations to get involved in the group's life: more oriented towards group knowledge, discovering common and different cultural aspects, an improved position towards the group culture.
The project impact on teachers illustrated by their future professional behaviors: the use of a wide range of innovative approaches; integration in their activities of the digital resources acquired through the project, especially of Digital Photo-Story, a valuable product in intercultural teaching, in the process of social inclusion; new professional skills in organizing non-formal activities, using as support the cultural elements and capitalizing on students' creativity; new ICT skills and the interest in their integrating into lessons.
Impact indicators on students: more tolerant behaviors towards students of different ethnicities and living environments; new intercultural competences: more tolerant in the interaction with students of other cultures; more eager to get involved in national cultural projects and Erasmus +.
The project sustainability can be ensured by developing new projects using at a higher level the results obtained, by integrating the results in the didactics and the Curriculum through new optional courses of intercultural education.
Target Group of the Project:
- IISS Jacopo del Duca - Diego Bianca Amato - Italy
- Rigas 80 vidusskola - Latvia
- SEPUGS "Vasil Antevski Dren" - Republic of North Macedonia
- Özel Antalya Vizyon Koleji Anadolu Lisesi - Turkey
Start: 01-06-2021 - End: 31-05-2023
Project Reference: 2020-1-TR01-KA227-ADU-098179
EU Grant: 116931 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Partnerships for Creativity
Project Summary
Cultural and creative sectors (CCS) are all sectors whose activities are based on cultural values and/or artistic and other creative expressions which include architecture, archives, libraries and museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual (including film, television, video games ,product design, fashion and multimedia), tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio and visual arts. Undoubtedly the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) play an important role not only for the European economy but also as part of a wider cultural and historical understanding of the European development.
The creative industries frequently require a combination of highly specialized knowledge combined with transferable, generic skills. The demand for skilled creative workers is strong and rapidly evolving, both in cultural and creative sectors and other sectors of the economy. And there is a big challenge is related to the mismatch between the skills needed by employers and self-employed creatives and the skills provided by education and training providers.
The project aims to create a sustainable and efficient education program for low skilled adult learners involved in the creative industries and it addresses a gap in cultural and creative industries where there is low emphasis on the use of new digital technologies, creating and design skills, marketing skills and support skills. In our Project we mainly focus on the skills of cultural industries (film making, multimedia, book press publishing),skills of creative industries and activities such as fashion, graphic, social media and product design; and advertising; and ICT.
The target group of the Project;
- - unemployed/newly graduated adults
- - unemployed adults who lost their jobs in covid-19 pandemic situation
- - low skilled adults in creative industries
- - freelance creative workers
The objectives of the Project;
- - Develop skills and competences of adults who aim to improve their chances of employment or performing better in their current employment for future working and employability,
- - Strengthen local, national and international collaboration and innovation in arts, cultural and creative learning
- - To improve the achievement and recognition of creative skills through by e-assessment for adult education
- - To enhance collaboration between education providers, universities, cultural organisations, SMEs in creative sector, civil society SMEs in creative sector, civil society organizations, creative workers and volunteers
- - To design, develop and deliver a Creative Skillset MOOC to give the adults opportunity of having distance learning especially Covid-19 pandemic situation
- - To provide added value in employability and local development through supporting the creative economy
In short term results;it will mainly adress the skills needs of Cultural-creative sectors and develop the training models,In long term results; it will maximize the impact of cultural and creative industries in local development and employment.The creative economy relies on creative talent as the primary source of value. The demand for skilled creative workers is strong and rapidly evolving, both in cultural and creative sectors and other sectors of the economy.
Our project will also provide training and development activity to offer a solution to skills gaps or recruitment difficulties and to reap these job creation benefits.The adults/unemployed adults/creative workser will have opportunity to gain skills and competences in creative sectors,to be employed or develop their works.Although the ones who stayed at home during the covid19 pandemic ,will have chance to have training,develop their creativity and have experience in creative works. The project will produce tangible and intangible results to contribute develop creative skills in recovering unemployment.
Target Group of the Project:
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universitesi - Turkey
- Association Hexagonale de l'Innovation Sociale et de l'Education - Italy
- Asociación para la promoción del empleo y la cohesión social "Asociación Creativa" - Spain
Creativity tools to empower NEET´s on entrepreneurship
Creativity tools to empower NEET´s on entrepreneurship
Start: 01-05-2021 - End: 30-04-2023
Project Reference: 2020-1-IT03-KA227-YOU-020559
EU Grant: 61760 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Partnerships for Creativity
Project Summary
Non-formal education and learning has an important role to play in responding to youth unemployment. This is because it supports development by helping to transform young peoples’ potential, creativity, talents, initiative and social responsibility, through the acquisition of related knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
The purpose of youth workers is not to provide jobs but engagement in the wide variety of personal and social development activities that it offers, helps young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are frequently said to be needed in the labour market.
In this way youth work contributes to closing the gap between the competences acquired by NEET´s and the needs of the labour market.
The COVID-19 crisis has turned from a global health crisis into a severe economic crisis. The policy responses taken to fight the pandemic have resulted in economic shutdown, leaving millions out of work, with young people, women and less-skilled people worst affected. That is why, this project responds to reality and offers the necessary creativity tools to our NEET to be able to find alternatives for employment and a good way to the development of necessary creaticity skills for life, either professionally or personally, and giving tangible options to develop projects that allow NEET to launch their business idea.
This Erasmus project aims to exchange good practice between partners and train youth workers to support, motivate and address better to NEETs’ needs, namely: the need to break the cycle of isolation/social exclusion; lack of motivation to become an active entrepreneur; lack of self-awareness of their passions/talents and, even, the low self-esteem and lack of key-skills that are required to take an initiative to create their own business. Therefore, the objectives of the project are:
Main objectives:
- To introduce the concept and potential benefits of social entrepreneurship to youths facing social exclusion due to low skills and unemployment (NEETs).
- To map and collect information on NEETs situation along with examples of best practices of young entrepreneurs to create a Ebook.
- To promote the exchange of good practices among partners on social entrepreneurship , strengthening cross-cooperation and a multidisciplinary approach.
- To professionalize and competence development of youth workers, supporting the acquisition of skills through non-formal and informal educational, to train and guidance NEETs with regard to the necessary skills NEET need in order to compete effectively in the business environment.
- To support labour market inclusion of European youth not in employment, education or training (NEETs) through a training path that gives knowledge and new creativity entrepreneurial skills.
- To provide entities with creativity tools and methods to involve NEET´s on social entrepreneurship.
- To foster quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between entities in the youth field and other stakeholders.
- To raising awareness and motivate the NEETs about entrepreneurship through local awareness activities.
Target group:
- - Entities
- - Youth workers
- - (NEET) youths
- 4 transnational Project meetings
- 1 Short staff training course C1
- 5 Workshops focus on NEET and entrepreneurship
- 1 Ebook of good practice young entrepreneurs
- 5 Local campaign for dissemination and awareness.
Target Group of the Project:
- Educator, spolek - Czechia
- Asociación USIT - Spain
- Arte e Cultura Sociale - Italy