Digit@l Literacy Portal
Digit@l Literacy Portal
Start: 31-12-2020 - End: 30-12-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-TR01-KA204-093446
EU Grant: 172480 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
Today's students and adults can text messages, send or receive e-mails, learn what they are curious about instantly, do all kinds of shopping, follow newspapers, watch movies, videos, enjoy music, read electronic books or take notes and write different texts via computers or smartphones. All these developments have made it inevitable for people to have competencies in the field of information and communication technologies. The concept of digital literacy, whose use has become more widespread with European Union policy documents, is also included in Union policy and strategies. Europe 2020 Strategy Document, basically, consists of three main axes. These have been identified as “smart growth” within the scope of an information and innovation based economy. The basis of smart growth strategies is formed of making maximum benefit of information and communication technologies with education, vocational education and lifelong learning priorities.Therefore, new methods and curricula have been developed in terms of training methods to inform stakeholders through effective training, raise their awareness and correct their professional habits. Although there are many studies on these issues, there is no effective source for digital literacy that stakeholders can use to find all the necessary information.
In accordance with the EU 2020 targets and in order to meet these needs, our project aims to create an e-learning platform to provide individuals, who take part in every field of life like social, business and communication such opportunities to access correct and reliable information, analyse, question, evaluate and obtain information and documents and to teach them methods and techniques of digital literacy skills as a requirement of their personal responsibilities.
The target groups of the project were determined as institutions working in the field of information technologies, teachers, academic staff, personnel working in the institutions and the organizations, individuals with disabilities, university students, families and the public.
The project will create a resource on use of digital literacy can coexist. In addition, an E-learning platform will be set up to promote professional development and develop ICT skills in line with the EU 2020 objectives. The training modules will be used primarily for the staff training of the partners, and also for institutions working in the field of information technologies, teachers, academic staff, personnel working in the institutions and the organizations, individuals with disabilities, university students, families and the public in need.
Widely influential organizations from Turkey, Spain, Croatia, UK, Sweden, Greece which have high expertise in their fields and experience in project implementation, have come together for this project. The project outputs will be prepared in in the language of each partner, in English and Turkish Thanks to the wide realm of authority of the partners, they will be used in digital literacy training across 6 countries. Dissemination activities will also be carried out for non-partner countries. The training modules offered on the web platform will serve broadly regardless of the limit.
The aim of this new training model is to; Create a curriculum that will be used for many years, Ensure that ICT Adult Training reaches international standards,Deliver digital literacy adult training to more people via ICT technologies by using less time and fewer resources, Increase ICT skills of digital literacy stakeholders. Establish an easily accessible training resource in digital literacy adult training, Increase adult training and the competences of adult trainers,Establish an information network with institutions from EU member countries, Create a good example for similar works
The nine modules to be prepared within the scope of our project will consist of twelve topics. These are : 1-Digital Literacy and Information Literacy 2- Cyber Security and Digital Footprints 3-Cyberbullying, 4-Technology ,Media Literacy and 21st Century Skills 5-Educational Web Tools 6-Ethical Use of Digital Resources 7-Digital Citizenship8- MOOCs and Free Online Learning Platforms 9-Digital Literacy for PWD (People With Disabilities)
The short-term effects of the project;The Digital Literacy stakeholders will meet with the philosophy of lifelong learning,Project will contribute to the improving of digital literacy skills,Internationalization of the participating organizations will be assured,A new training model will be established in digital literacy adult training,A new curriculum will be established with international standards for digital literacy adult training,ICT stakeholders will be able to reach the accurate information easily.
The long-term effects of the project;The project will be a good example for similar works,it will contribute to gain digital literacy skills, and to improving digital literacy skills more consciously,to the widespread use of ICT.
Target Group of the Project:
- Bilecik Valiligi - Turkey
- Be - Creative association - Sweden
- Agencija za ruralni razvoj Zadarske zupanije - Croatia
Social Entrepreneurship for Community Empowerment
Social Entrepreneurship for Community Empowerment
Start: 01-09-2020 - End: 31-08-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-078880
EU Grant: 266694 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The imperative of Social Entrepreneurship is to drive social change, and it is that potential payoff, with its lasting, transformational benefit to society, that sets the field and its practitioners apart from other ventures. It is an approach in which individuals or groups develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues.
Social entrepreneurship can contribute significantly towards achieving the objective of the Europe 2020 strategy: building smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, by fostering employment and social cohesion and it can also contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The Social Economy in the EU is made up of 2 million enterprises, representing 10% of all European enterprises, and employ over 14 million paid employees (the equivalent of 6.5% of the working population in the EU). Each country has different approaches, and takes different pathways towards social entrepreneurship.
Social enterprises create jobs, provide socially innovative services and goods, facilitate social inclusion and promote a more sustainable economy. Social enterprises also tend to be better integrated within the communities they serve and where their social impact is felt.
Despite its growing importance, there is a paucity of Adult Educators with the competence to support its uptake, particularly amongst low-skilled and low-qualified adults; and a lack of high quality learning materials on social enterprise for them to use.
In preparing for this project, our partnership undertook a survey using Google forms across the 6 partner countries (UK, Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Austria and Turkey) with a total sample of 292 social entrepreneurs/unemployed adults, in order to better understand the needs and expectations our target groups. The survey asked about knowledge and skill requirements for social entrepreneurship. 71% of respondents identified an urgent need for training/learning processes to develop the skills and competences needed for effective social entrepreneurship, 14% of adults said they don't need any support, and 15% of adults were unsure. Based on the results of this survey and our desk research, we identified a clear need for the provision of innovative developmental support for adults aspiring to become social entrepreneurs.
Although we appreciate that the potential benefits offered by social entrepreneurship are clear to many, the actual definition of what social entrepreneurs do to drive social change is less clear. Education plays a significant role in developing positive attitudes towards social entrepreneurship and can help to foster understanding of its specific functioning and role in society. Indeed, through education, people can learn how social enterprises work and contribute both to social and economic outcomes.
The project is designed to create innovative open source training interventions and materials that integrate tools and methods for developing effective social entrepreneurship primarily through self-employment.
Its purpose is to provide a learning model and high quality learning materials for use by adult educators working with aspiring social entrepreneurs in order to contribute to the success of their social enterprises.
Our main objective is to enhance the employability of adults and their position in the labour market, developing their competencies and skills for social entrepreneurship through digital tools and game based learning.
The project aims are to:
- Raise awareness of social entrepreneurship among adults and promote its concepts in self-employment
- Offer Adult Educators new approaches to the development of social entrepreneurship competence, including through provision of practical resources: a training manual, MOOC, digital tools and a board game, that focus on the development of the soft skills essential for the formation of an entrepreneurial mindset
- Support adult educators, trainers and other experts in gaining the specific competence required for the provision of high quality education in social entrepreneurship for adults
The 6 experienced project partners will deliver a learning model and high quality learning materials for use by adult educators with aspiring and new social entrepreneurs. It will produce the following tangible outputs:
- 1 Training Manual for Adult Educators working with social entrepreneurs (teaching materials, lesson plans, practical tools)
- 1 MOOC: Social Entrepreneurship Education for Social Entrepreneurs.
- 1 Board Game for Social Entrepreneurs
- 6 Local Training Interventions (150 aspiring social entrepreneurs)
- 6 Local Piloting and Evaluation Reports
- 6 Multiplier Events
The project will add value to the social entrepreneurship model for each partner country. In the project, our objectives are raising awareness in social entrepreneurship, providing support to the social enterprises and potential social entrepreneurs through the innovative tools.
Target Group of the Project: Educators / parents
- Aydin Valiligi - Turkey
Building Entrepreneurial Capacity for Migrants Through Online Learning
Building Entrepreneurial Capacity for Migrants Through Online Learning
Start: 14-10-2019 - End: 13-10-2021
Project Reference: 2019-1-TR01-KA204-077633
EU Grant: 182245 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The main objective of the project is to provide professional training for refugees, leading to better employment opportunities and living conditions. Through developing the abilities of refugee trainers and acquiring knowledge of intermediary organizations catering to the needs of the refugee community, the integration of refugees will be fast-tracked into the labour market or the start-up of a business, while promoting the development of innovative and effective mechanisms ensuring employment.
Between 2015 and 2016, the countries of Europe and those bordering Syria, experienced an influx of more than 5 million Syrian refugees. Enabling migrants to become entrepreneurs lessens the effects of the crisis and facilitates social inclusion. Governments have been supporting refugees and integrating them into national health, education, employment and social services. However, this is not enough for integration into the labour market necessary for social-economic development.
Migrants face many challenges establishing and managing entrepreneurship in their host countries.
These are interlinked and stem from –
- limited host-country capital
- lack of understanding local labour markets
- lack of local business regulatory frameworks
- difficulties accessing local business networks
- lack of start-up capital and business facilities
- lack of language and cultural awareness
- lack of training programs
Our project partnership consists of 7 partners, three local institutions - Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality(KMM), Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam University (KSU), Kahramanmaraş Provincial Directorate of National Education, and four from Europe - International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (CEIPES), Anaptyxiako Kentro Thessalias (AKETH), Fonix AS, Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaftgemeinnuetzige GmbH (Wisamar),
Our strategic partnerships aim to support the development of adult learning and building entrepreneurial capacity for migrants, transfer of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at the European level.
Five international project meetings will be held, with the final meeting aimed at the effective and efficient management of the project and the follow-up of project activities and budget monitoring.
A needs analysis of the current refugee situation will be made by intermediary organizations working together with each partner. Analysis reports will also include how to develop the capacity of intermediary organizations to support the employment or the entrepreneurship of refugees. In addition, entrepreneurship, business planning, the legal aspects of setting up a company and the employee hiring process will receive focus.
Online training sessions and F2F workshops will be arranged for trainers in Italy as well as F2F training for the target groups included in the project. The online training and F2F workshop will include video lessons on the e-learning platform for trainers; sharing the approach and lessons taught during the workshop for trainers; practical tools and examples for refugees such as business planning, the legal aspects of setting up a company and hiring employees. Entrepreneurship training activities addressing the development of employers and entrepreneurs will be given by the Public Education Centre and Kahramanmaraş Municipality Vocational Education Directorate (KAMEK). Furthermore, the web portal will be developed for trainers.
All work-based learning programs for refugees through apprenticeships or those provided by refugee and intermediary organizations will be put together into one resource. An information campaign with supporting activities will be arranged to increase awareness about the benefits of hiring refugees.
The general and specific objectives of the project that will be realized are -
- train the trainers to increase migrant entrepreneurship
- support the creation, improvement and distribution of support schemes for migrant entrepreneurs
- identify potential entrepreneurs among migrants
- raise awareness about entrepreneurship within migrant communities
- develop sustainable multi-level partnership models integrating refugees into the job market
- value awareness of social inclusion through entrepreneurship
- empower disadvantaged groups among migrants by developing business skills and competencies
- Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality - TURKEY
- Kahramanmaras Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY
Integration of Young Adults into Labor Market through Cultural Heritage
Integration of Young Adults into Labor Market through Cultural Heritage
Start: - End: Project Reference: 2019-1-LT01-KA204-060482 EU Grant: Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
It is difficult for young adults to find jobs, because they often lack of experience, it is difficult to integrate into continuously changing life and work environment. Project “Integration of Young Adults into the Labor Market Through Cultural Heritage” will help in getting to know the most important places or traditions of other countries, provide young adults with the necessary information for integration, self-confidence, inspire and motivate them and strengthen the competences for collaboration. For example, while knowing the cultural history and traditions of other country, the project participant would easier integrate into the cultural and social context of other country, will get a job or will create a job place by himself. The main objectives of the project is to empower entrepreneurship and social dialogue through cultural knowledge and to help forming a strategy of creative thinking, while creating new work places.
For this project three objects of cultural heritage are chosen: old-towns, traditional songs and dances, traditional food. The project team is going to promote the cultural values of each country, demonstrate what kind of jobs can be found or created in every area and field of the project. All the project activities will be included into a cognitive, entertaining, educational video about historical places and history of the towns with interactive exercises to develop cultural competencies and social dialogue with questions and possible answers, as well as a collection of traditional music examples (songs and dances) – an interactive video tool for learning with questions and answers, a video about traditional meal with tasks for learners, and a competition "I virtually create an attractive work place" will be organized.
The project participants will widen up the knowledge of English language, necessary for a communication and development of social dialogue, as well as they will know more about various traditions of EU countries (songs, dances, culinary heritage), necessary for an original creation of new work places. They will also learn to develop thinking design, for a creation of a work place and interior, will develop possibilities to evaluate own competences.
During this project four international mobilities are going to take place:
- a kick-off meeting in Lithuania, which is meant for refining project‘s activities, deciding on what results are wanted, excluding the strongest sides of our partners, foreseeing the good experience and ways to share it;
- an international meeting in Sweden „Intercultural competence acceptance and evaluation“, which is needed for a team to create and work out instruments to evaluate competence, decide if that instrument works with project participants;
- an international meeting „Entrepreneurship promotion in an intercultural space and virtuality“ in Greece is for the creation of virtual products and their presentation. The products will be tested during the mobility, so that the project teams could continue creating and perfecting their products;
- an international meeting „Virtual entrepreneurship and social dialogue“ in Portugal will open up an opportunity to practically try out a business model when meeting local learners. The aim of the 4th transnational meeting is the dissemination of work places and use of the cultural events for young adults searching for a job in the European country.
Alongside with the international meetings, the Austrian partner will organize a one-week joint staff training event. The participants will be those representing their partner country, responsible for the project, adult educators and project executive team. The transnational meetings are necessary for the exchange of good practices and innovations, for implementation of activities, making the project video and executing the website, monitoring and evaluating project quality and impact on the adult learners.
Employment of young adults will be achieved through a non-traditional path (arts, food, architecture, songs) and new technologies (while making a video, creating and monitoring a website, creating a virtual work place, communicating). While knowing the cultural history and traditions of other country, the project participant would easier integrate into the cultural and social context of other country.
- Alytus music school - LITHUANIA
- Previform - PORTUGAL
- European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence - AUSTRIA
- Sverigefinska folkhögskolan - SWEDEN
Linguistic and Maths skills through music - a key to creativity of integrated European societies
Linguistic and Maths skills through music - a key to creativity of integrated European societies
Start: 01-10-2018 - End: 30-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-050792 EU Grant: 80628 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
We want to become a modern society that looks for new ways of self- improvement. We are sure that it will be possible thanks to implementing the project "Linguistic and mathematical skills through music - the key to the creativity of integrated European Societies" in cooperation with partners from Turkey, Spain and Greece. An international cooperation will support a promotion of common European values such as social integration, tolerance, intercultural understanding. The project is interdisciplinary and multi-faceted, referring primarily to music, mathematics and foreign languages. It will allow the adults to build activity structures as a form of non-formal education - a choir in adult education through the development of mathematical, linguistic and musical skills that will strengthen the competences necessary in the labor market. The participants will be people at different age from 18 to 50+, 60+ and more, employed, unemployed or retired and also with special needs. They have one common feature - openess to new challenges. Thy are people who want to change their attitude to life and get rid of stereotypes through getting to know the other countries' culture and who want to perform their skills during local, regional or international events and pass their knowledge, experience at local and international events.
Adult education, lifelong learning, talent development, civic integration ideas in our project which relate to educational value of European cultural heritage will include the organisation of educational visits and workshops for different target groups i.e. theme meetings on songs and music with musicians or music teachers, concerts in the local, regional, national and internaThe project activities are planned to fulfill the objectives which are coherent with the Erasmus plus priorities. Our objectives will be to develop skills and qualifications in the field of communication in English through the use of musical activity in the adult learning process aimed at stimulating, developing creativity and cooperation skills in the task group, to improve knowledge of other countries’ cultures as well as organizational, economic and legal conditions affecting education, to build non-formal education structures in adult education by acquiring new competences: mathematics, language and music, which will strengthen the competences necessary in the labor market of the modern world, to learn the methods and techniques of adult education used in the countries, elaborate good practices, transfer and popularize experiences, to increase the adults' experience in international cooperation, acquiring both organizational and project management skills. We will fulfill our goals through various forms of activities. Each partner organization will organize a schedule of Cyclic meetings to work in two spheres - musical and lingual:
- cyclic meetings of the choir, concerts in the environment, organizing and promoting cultural events
- dance classes: regional dances, ethnic dances - occasionally during partner meetings, getting to know the culture
- discussion panels on adult education - exchange of experiences,
- elaborating a publication,
- theme meetings on songs with "flowers" in different languages, "Meetings with music" - when listeners will learn English through translation the words and singing. During the cyclic meetings the participants will train musical hearing, memory, diction and development of intonation-emission sensitivity. They will develop the skills of artistic performing of choral songs, prepare the team to performance in front of the audience, select the songs, learn vocabulary by translating lines of songs. The participants will be active organizers of events, performances, meetings as well as creators of articles, newsletters and other dissemination materials.
At local level the desired impact is to make people, families and citizens become more confident with other cultures, overcome stereotyps and prejudices. It will be important to share the project so that everyone can benefit from the gained experience . At regional level it is expected the cooperation with the authorities to work together in a wider common purpose , illustrating the best practices gained and improving the quality of education. To a wider European level it is expected to contribute to the development of a first quality longlife learning and make the realization of a permanent european context stronger.
We expect that the project will have an impact primarily on the local community, but also regional, national and European community in particular. We envisage that this project will have an impact within each partner organisation, region or country that the partners operate in and throughout the EU via the identification and analysis of the differences and similarities that leads to the recognition of common models, protocols, guidelines, structures, mechanisms, policies, processes.
- Gmina Gniewkowo - POLAND
- Talas Sehit Resul Erdal Aydemir Halk Egitim Merkezi Ve Aksam Sanat Okulu - TURKEY
Start: 15-10-2018 - End: 14-04-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059710 EU Grant: 94165 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The elderly population is increasing all over the world, especially in European countries. The most important reasons for this are technological developments in the field of health over the last 20 years, the development of healthier living conditions, the increase in education and the development of health services. With significantly declining mortality rates, people live longer and there is an overall decline in birth rates in developed countries.
Depending on the stress of daily life, Alzheimer's disease, especially in those 65 years and older, is rapidly increasing on a global scale. Direct treatment of Alzheimer's disease is not possible. During the onset of the disease, various exercises, cognative, social and cultural activities are all precautionary measures that can be taken to slow the progression of the disease. Cognative activities that exercise thinking and memory skills have positive effects on psychology and the general over all improvement in people’s performance
The USE IT OR LOSE IT project aims to prevent and draw attention to Alzheimer's disease by developing innovative practices and implementing co-operative initiatives, mutual learning and exchnage experiences to promote cooperation at the European level. Specific Objectives of the project;
- Prevention and awareness of Alzheimer’s and the early onset of the disease.
- To İncrease awarness and draw attention to Alzheimer's disease at local, national and international level.
- Creating an activity book (occupational therapy guide) for local and Europe-wide usage to assist in the improvement of memory in Altzheimer’s patients and those with early onset dementia.
- To establish co-operation and partnership at the European level.
Within the scope of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Program, it is aimed to establish a guidebook for occupational therapy and treatment of Alzheimer's patients and their families. It will be a guide for patients with the onset of Alzheimer's outlining what activities can be performed to combat the disease, beneficial nutrition, what care and responsibilities the family can provide and which social activities will be effective in combating Alzheimer's. The guidebook will be translated in several languages, primarily English ,the languages of the partners moreover Arabic for Syrian refugees. The activities in the guidebook will be used in the occupational therapy rooms of local nursing homes which belong to our institution that provide services for the elderly directed by an occupational therapist. Furthermore, Partners will use this guidebook in Europe.
Our Project partners are Kahramanmaras Family and Social Policies Provincial Directorate, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Health Services University, Alzheimer Bulgaria Association (Bulgaria) , SSW Collegium Balticum(Polond), Anaptyxıako Kentro Thessalıas (Greece), International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development (Italy)
- Kahramanmaras Metropolitan Municipality - TURKEY
- Kahramanmaras Aile Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler il Müdürlügü - TURKEY
- гражданско сдружение Алцхаймер България - BULGARIA
- Szczecinska Szkola Wyzsza Collegium Balticum - POLAND
Immigrant Friendly Cities
Immigrant Friendly Cities
Start: 03-09-2018 - End: 02-09-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059285 EU Grant: 163238 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The digital age offers local governments unprecedented possibilities to engage with residents in novel ways. Cities across the globe are using digital tools, such as web portals and applications (apps), to improve access to public services, enhance responsiveness, better understand the needs of the populations they serve, and provide platforms for deeper civic engagement.
Research has shown that disadvantaged groups, including immigrants and minorities, are high users of smartphones and social media, and could theoretically be reached through these tools. Newly arrived immigrants are some of the most vulnerable in society and are often in need of support settling in and connecting to information about local services and jobs. However, these groups are often thought to be digitally, as well as socially excluded, and the move by governments to online platforms could exacerbate existing barriers to accessing public services. Furthermore, these groups may lack the necessary digital skills and host-country language ability to take full advantage of digital government services.
Based on interviews with city officials, local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), academics, business practitioners, and experts on immigration and digital inclusion, the article analyzes city efforts to capitalize on the new opportunities offered by digital technology to reach immigrant communities, and explores the efforts of municipal governments to ensure that no one is left out of these technological shifts.Cities serve as epicenters for immigration and hubs of innovation in digital governance; some have developed digital-inclusion strategies aimed at reducing the digital divide and thus helping integration efforts.
In this way,our project aims to create permanent information services for immigrants by developing web platforms, mobile Apps and online trainings for immigrant advisors. The need to develop immigrant information services exists because in many cases people have a lack of information when moving into a new country or a new city about how to proceed with residence permits, social security issues, jobsearch etc. and even about what services are available. For this purpose the project will produce a web platfarm as a OER for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in 6 languages and a mobile APP for refugees.So there will be information services in the nearby area which genuinely work and are organized in co-operation between different public authorities.Adult education trainers will also improve their competences by offering new ways of learning, as a result of the cooperation and exchange of experiences at international level.As education is considered indispensable to integration there is an increasing need to prepare all adult education providers ,immigrant advisors and officers in public authorities in the most affected EU countries to initiate relevant programmes with the newly arrived migrants and refugees. Additionally, the project aimed at developing and growing the multicultural skills of these staff by organizing MOOC(Massive open online course) on the web platform.The objective of the Partnership is to propose and implement ways for better managing the integration of migrants and refugees considering in particular cities’ challenges and needs.Increasing the supply of and encouraging individuals’ engagement in adult learning as a means of strengthening social inclusion and active participation in the community and society, and improving access to adult learning for migrants, Roma and disadvantaged groups, as well as learning provision for refugees and people seeking asylum, including host country-language learning, where appropriate.Totally 450 refugees/newly arrived immigrants will join the surveys and workshops as a participants.And totally 80 staff will join the MOOC to develop their cskills and competences in refugee integration.
By the end of the project,public authorities will create a web based platforms,APP and they will train their staff.So the refugees/immigrants should have public guidance services by using digital tools.A learning model will be developed with digital tools and fostering respect and understanding for diversity, intercultural competencies and values
Refugees and newly arrived migrants will communicate with others beyond one’s own group, to move about independently,or thus helping them to adapt to a place of arrival easily, efficiently and effectively.
Newly settled migrants and refugees are equipped with functional and practical language skills to carry out simple tasks required of them during their first few months in-country.
- Aydin Il Goc Idaresi Mudurlugu - TURKEY
- Sosyal Etki ve Yenilikci Egitim Dernegi - TURKEY
- wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gemeinnuetzige GmbH - GERMANY
- Fønix AS - NORWAY
- Aydin Valiligi - TURKEY
Developing Farmers' Digital Skills
Developing Farmers' Digital Skills
Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059557 EU Grant: 250265 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The advances in information and communication technologies (ICT), which have become increasingly important, have contributed to the increase of the economic growth of the countries and the improvement of the living standards of the individuals.According to this many countries have recognized the imperative of digital technologies, acknowledging the necessity to educate their citizens.
The improvement of digital infrastructures and mobile technologies creates new opportunities for increased citizen digital participation; however, digital participation faces numerous challenges.
The role and significance of ICT and information literacy within agricultural activities present through a review of European development initiatives and theoretical insights regarding this topic. It will reveal obstacles on the current level of skills and promote the readiness to adopt new knowledge and technologies.
Proficiency in basic computer skills and information literacy will contribute to empowerment and emancipation of farmers who can become active participants in further agriculture development stages within the chain of decision-making. As an important social group, farmers should be empowered through training programmes within the education system and through other initiatives aimed at upgrading the existing body of knowledge
After we defined the problems and the needs, we have designed the "Developing Farmers' Digital Skills (DIGIFARMER)" project.Our partnership composed of agricultural local authorities,NGOs,vet insitutions and digital companies from Turkey,Chezc Republic,Spain and Italy.
Our project aims to contribute to the active involvement of rural farmers/producers in social & business life and to ensure that farmers are more active by increasing digital transversal skills; thus to increase their efficiency and productivity in their life.
And our project will provide training on developing digital skills ensuring that therural population is able to take advantage of new technologies and tools.
The objectives of our project are;
- Increase the digital skills of farmers who live in rural areas
- Develop trainers' cross-skills and competencies
- Develop an innovative educational methodology in the digital field
- Increase productivity & efficiency through increasing farmers’ transversal skills
- Develop digital citizenship skills of rural farmers
- Ensure farmers to use internet tools & smartphone applications in social and business life effectively.
In our project;We will produce Digital skills taining course-module,learning/Training Materials (printed and digital),training tools and OER,digifarmer Website,digifarmer application (smartphone app) and Digifarmer E-Platform as intellectual outputs.
We will identify key drivers for digital citizen participation and compares the results in the context of rural and urban settings. The descriptive analyses provide insights on digital competence differences in the rural versus urban areas and their current usages of online public services.
22 Trainers will be trained to improve their digital skills and competences.
By implementing and on its completion of the project main expected results and outcomes are;
- Digital skills of rural farmers/producers who live in rural areas will be increased providing to rural farmers different problem solving ways.
- Farmers who live in rural areas will become more active in their social life and in their works.
- Trainers' cross-skills and competencies will have been developed.
- An innovative educational methodology in the digital field for rural farmers will be developed.
- Euroform RFS - ITALY
- Soke Zirai Uretim Isletmesi Tarimsal Yayim ve Hizmetici Egitim Merkezi Mudurlugu - TURKEY
- Institut pro trénink pohostinnosti - CZECHIA
- Aydin Valiligi - TURKEY
Charter of Common Refugee Strategies
Charter of Common Refugee Strategies
Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020 Project Reference: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059635 EU Grant: 166370 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
The number of international migrants has increased by 49 per cent since 2000 to 258 million in 2017, according to a report published by the United Nations for International Day of Migration. According to the report, in 2017, 26 million (10 percent) of international migrants are refugees or asylum seekers. Moreover, these numbers belonging to asylum seekers and refugees are increasing due to the internal war in Syria in recent years. This is becoming a significant issue of European Union's and Commission's agenda, which are “strengthening the common asylum policy” and “developing a new policy on legal migration”.
This issue increases the demand for the basic needs of newly arrived refugees and provision of these needs. This is becoming a priority social policy area within countries with asylum seekers and refugees. Lack of informative, educational and supportive tools make refugees less likely to seek remedy for health, follow advices from the authorities to find official employment. In addition, lack of language skills creates another barrier for newly arrived refugees to understand bureaucratic procedures to integrate into society.
On the other hand, lack of informative, educational and supportive tools for adult education providers and professionals working with refugees to benefit from in order to ensure quality of services provided; to better understand refugees; to better integrate them into society.
CORES addresses those issues by working with adult education providers in different program countries to ease the burden of refugees’ crises left on governments in EU; to contribute the newly arrived and host society mutual acceptance. CORES, firstly, will examine social harmony within the Programme countries, and develop a Charter of Common Refugee Strategies at the European Union level, which takes into account local dynamics and values for each partner country.
CORES aims to develop tools (online learning platform) for professionals working in the field of adult education to use during their practices. This tool will be computerized through using the information contained in this charter to be used by the adult education providers as informative, educational and supportive material in electronic format.
In this regard, for Turkey and all EU Member States, our project proposal specifically aims (1) to prepare an analysis report (needs and situation analysis) in order to inform local and national authorities, adult education providers regarding the holistic needs of refugees; (2) to inform the newly arrived about the rights of citizenship and the possibilities of acquiring citizenship; (3) to support them about the problem of housing (4) to inform and guide them about the right of access to the health services, (5) to inform them about the right and possibilities of basic education, (6) to support them in finding jobs and help them to integrate the labor market, and finally (7) to support the quick and better social harmony to newly arrived country and society (8) to create an online learning platform in order to make use of specific aims mentioned above for authorities, adult education providers, refugees.
- Recep Tayyip Erdogan Universitesi - TURKEY
Game-based Learning for Adults
Game-based Learning for Adults
Start: 01-09-2017 - End: 31-08-2019 Project Reference: 2017-1-TR01-KA204-046822 EU Grant: 136174 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Summary
We focus on the development of an innovative non-formal game-based education simulation tool to enhance and improve communication and presentation skills with a focus on entrepreneurship for adults and through play and practice, teach them basic presentation and communication skills, the objective on finding employment or become an entrepreneur so they can be applied effectively in real life, in particular enhancing their self-confidence in presenting themselves thus increasing their chances of finding and maintaining suitable employment and abilities to communicate in an effective way.
It will be an interaction game that makes the social dimension the main element of one’s mechanism. In general games which are not competitive can be considered interaction games, where there are no adversaries to beat, but where the goal of the game is essentially merely fun and interaction among the participants.
The main objective is to create a learning environment (game/simulation) which simulates the communication and presentation skills process and stimulates the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and competences of adults. As the main learning outcome of this game/simulation is situated in the field of attitudes, it permits the expansion of the primary target group (young people), aspiring entrepreneurs, to include training specific target groups; marginalised groups such as migrants and unemployed, are more likely to have self efficacy difficulties. Setting up a new partnership with this project will stimulate the exchange of local and international experiences, expertise and vice-versa.
As an ideal complement to the realization of the project, the participating countries will focus on intercultural learning and non-formal working methodologies development in a multicultural context. Major milestones will be:
- to design and develop a specific game-based learning method for simulation training of adults with an aim of encouraging their entrepreneurship skills;
- to test and evaluate the impact of a game-based approach in formal teaching and pedagogic methodologies for adults;
- to validate the proposed approach as a means of learning and evaluate its impact on adult learners.
The project will be carried out transnationally because the synergy between international organizations and adults, will guarantee the knowledge and comprehension of different cultural realities and stimulates intercultural dialogue.
- Aydin Efeler Halk Egitim Merkezi ve ASO Mudurlugu - TURKEY
- aydin kulturel gelisim dernegi - TURKEY
- Associazione Let's Keep Learning Onlus - ITALY
- Foxpopuli - SWEDEN
- Agena proje egitim ve danismanlik A S - TURKEY