Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All

Start: 01-11-2018 - End: 31-10-2020
Project Reference: 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048220
EU Grant: 281568 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Summary

Digital skills are today as important as being able to read or write in order to remain employable in a more and more digitalized working place. They are used and expected in more than 90% of jobs, in every professional sector. However, European Union is facing a huge digital skills challenge. According to a factsheet released in September 2017 by the European Commision (“A Digital Europe needs Digital Skills”) only 56% of Europeans aged from 16 to 75 have at least basic digital skills.

One big trend of the digitalization of the labor market, that impacts all sectors, is the massive publishing of multimedia digital contents, gradually replacing traditional printed documents or opening the door to new kinds of publication.

Augmented reality, virtual reality, 360° video, enriched publications are conquering our screens, our cultural and professional practices and thus revolutionizing the way we produce and consult content.

However, if professionals come into almost daily contact with these new forms of enriched content in their professional and personal lives, few of them know their means of production, their cost, their use....

These new technologies are often perceived as complex, expensive and reserved for specialists and often cause reluctance or even anxiety when we are asked to use or implement them within a company. The lack of knowledge of easy-to-use creation tools increase the gap between “specialists” or “geeks” and the whole of professionals.

In order to tackle this issue, we intend to create the first European training on the practices and tools of 6 main technologies involved in enhanced contents publishing and dissemination: EPUB 3, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Video 360°, Interactive Video and augmented printed materials.

Practically, the Digital Innovative Media Publishing for All project will gather:

  • A MOOC on the new technologies of enhanced content publishing
  • Toolkits on tools of production and database of resources
  • Reusable models
  • Explanatory sheets
  • A training implementation guide

The project will target learners of all age involved in the VET sectors, including the trainers and teachers. To do so, we intend to create a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) that will be accessible by all and to collaborate with VET providers in order to integrate the content of this course to their curricula.

In addition, we will pay a special attention to make the content available for all in order to avoid leaving learners on the side. Therefore, the content that will be created will be designed to be adapted as much as possible for individuals with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) which represent 8 to 15% of the population in Europe, depending on the sources.

As the digitalization of the professional world is a global process and all european countries are facing the same issue, our consortium gather VET providers and trainers in ICT in order to answer globally at vocational transversal needs that go beyond national and sectoral borders.

We will provide a learning certification for our learners : this certificate will be worth 1 ECVET.

During the program, we aim at gathering for the research, testing and use of the contents:

  • More than 100 professionals in their respective network contacted and linked per partner (20 per partner)
  • At least 500 learners attending the MOOC
  • A completion rate of 20% of the MOOC (double the average of online course)
  • More than 500 users of the Open educational resources

In terms of dissemination, we aim to reach directly:

  • 80 people attending the International multiplier event
  • 200 (40x5) people attending the national multiplier events.
  • More than 500 VET institutions contacted
  • More 2.500 people reached through the dissemination campaign

The DIMPA project has the practical objective to provide learners with operational tools, enabling them to define a digital strategy relying on enhanced contents production. In that way, we will improve their digital skills. Their professional curriculum will have a genuine added value to answer the imperatives of evolving professional practices and the expectations of employers and audiences. The will be able to reuse immediately a set of practical tools providing by the training within their daily professional practice, and thus improve their working tools.

We intend that the DIMPA training will be an asset to increase participant employment not only at local job market, but also at international level.

The DIMPA project is designed to function independently at the end of the project. By developing an easy-to-use platform and providing the training implementation guide, we expect VET community and trainers to appropriate the platform after the EU financing.



  • Rhéatis - FRANCE


  • SCS LogoPsyCom - BELGIUM
  • Les Apprimeurs - FRANCE