Monday, 18 January 2021 10:41


No Man No Woman Just Human

Start: 31-12-2020 - End: 30-12-2022
Project Reference: 2020-1-NO01-KA201-076451
EU Grant: 181405 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: trategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

First prerequisite to ensure equal opportunities for both boys and girls is to ensure equal opportunities in education. Therefore gender equality in education has utmost importance to provide equal rights and opportunities for everyone regardless of gender. Education and training have a major importance in securing gender equality in society. Ensuring the gender equality in education is a necessary duty for all of us . The basic feature of the principle of gender mainstreaming has been defined by the EU as“The systematic consideration of the differences between the conditions, situations and needs of women and men in all Community policies and actions: this is the basic feature of the principle of “mainstreaming” which the Commission has adopted. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is convinced that the most effective way to promote gender equality is through education. This is why it adopted Recommendation CM/Rec (2007) 13 on gender mainstreaming in education, in 2007. This recommendation encourages the governments of member states to incorporate the gender perspective at all levels of the educational system - through legislation and in practice - so as to promote among young people the values of justice and participation necessary for the building of a society which guarantees true gender equality, both in the private and the public spheres. Gender equality in education, however, has many limitations and meets with various obstacles. These obstacles come from the cultural codes both in society and in schools. Even today there are limitations especially for girls for what they can do or can’t do as a woman beginning from the top of the system to the bottom. Gender issues must therefore be mainstreamed throughout educational planning – from infrastructure planning to material development to pedagogical processes. We believe that the full and equal engagement of women is crucial to ensuring a sustainable future. It appears that to achieve a holistic approach to gender equality also gender sensitive curriculum and education materials, teaching methods and techniques must be developed.

Because of this, the main priority is to train teachers, for a better gender sensitive approach. Subject of the Project: To be able to develop and contribute to studies on Social Gender Equality by providing supportive tools through education. In this sense, the project first aims to raise awareness of the educators and then to the students and parents in their sphere of influence. Purpose of the Project: General purpose of the project, to contribute to the supporting of Social Gender Equality. Purpose of the Project: Purpose of this Project, To educate methodologically educators working in formal and non-formal education and to create training modules which support gender equality that educators can apply to their age groups.

Objectives of the Project:

  • to create a network for trainers who will work on gender equality education and persons who have a multiplier effect.
  • To train a large number of trainers by creating training packages for educators.
  • To raise awareness and disseminate Gender equality at formal and non-formal education.
  • to strengthen individuals in social life in preventing gender inequality
  • to strengthen families and multiplier effect by improving the skills and expertise of educators and people in formal and non-formal education
  • develop and implement educational approaches, activities and resources applicable to both formal and non-formal education
  • recognize and disseminate the values of the European Union to strengthen democratic participation through education

Target Group of the Project: Educators / parents


  • APrios Vest AS - Norway


  • Associació Meraki Projectes de València - Spain
  • Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - Turkey
Published in Erasmus

Museopedagogy and Augmented reality: recognizing museums as educational spaces

Start: 01-11-2019 - End: 31-10-2021
Project Reference:
EU Grant:
266925 EUR
Key Action:
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type:
Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

Culture constitutes the great wealth and driving force of the European Union. Indeed, just the former year, 2018, was declared as the European Year of Cultural Heritage, thus wishing to stimulate action but also to enhance the value of culture in developing a common European identity and a sense of belonging to the EU citizens.

The present proposal seeks the convergence of culture and education through the creation of an integrated educational program for the younger audience and especially the school and preschool audience provided in small museums, mainly in the province, of EU countries, using modern technology with emphasis on augmented and mixed reality. The partnership of this project has been formed with the participation of academic partners, small and large-scale museums, technological bodies along with secondary schools.

The present project hopes to turn the school visit to the museum into a stunning, charming and enjoyable learning process through an application and a game appropriately designed for school education and for its use in the educational process of the classroom providing the opportunity for experiential practice and play in the museum. The target audience is the whole school community, but mainly focusing on children, teenagers and teachers in the areas of the partners.

In order to achieve the objectives of the project, a set of activities will be set up concerning both the implementation and the subsequent exploitation of its results.

The following results are expected from the implementation of the project:

  • A guide to museum education with the use of modern technology
  • Virtual tour platform tailored to school education
  • Game with enhanced and mixed reality technology
  • Application for smartphones and tablets with access both to the platform and the game

Apart from the partner schools involved in the project, it is planned to inform the school community of the region of each partner museum with an invitation to visit and use the integrated educational program. The outcomes of the project will be available at no cost, both during the project and for three years after the funding period for further elaboration.

By implementing the project, the following objectives are expected to be achieved:

  • shaping the perception of small and medium-sized museums as places of learning, especially in the province of EU countries
  • highlighting the potential of technology as a means of promoting and learning about Europe's culture
  • highlighting the potential of technology as a means of attracting children and young people to the cultural wealth of Europe
  • the promotion of educational programs provided by museums as additional to the education taking place in the classroom
  • developing co-operation between museums and school communities to provide modern education
  • redefining small and medium-sized museums in the province of EU countries as attractive destinations for children and youth





  • Liceo Classico Federico Frezzi - Beata Angela - ITALY
  • Kunstmeile Krems Betriebs GesmbH - AUSTRIA
  • Associazione Culturale Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary - ITALY
Published in Erasmus
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 10:53

log on back to life

log on back to life

Start: 01-09-2017 - End: 31-08-2019
Project Reference: 2017-1-TR01-KA201-046632
EU Grant: 230477 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

A modern phenomenon that has been recorded in recent years is internet addiction Disorder (IAD). Internet addiction is described as an impulse control disorder, which does not involve use of an intoxicating drug and is very similar to pathological gambling. Some Internet users may develop an emotional attachment to on-line friends and activities they create on their computer screens. Internet users may enjoy aspects of the Internet that allow them to meet, socialize, and exchange ideas through the use of chat rooms, social networking websites, or "virtual communities." Similar to other addictions, those suffering from Internet addiction use the virtual fantasy world to connect with real people through the Internet, as a substitution for real-life human connection, which they are unable to achieve normally.

Internet addiction has become of the main problems that European secondary school students are facing so our community has to deal with the source of the problem and its impacts. There is a tentative need to investigate the phenomenon and its impacts to all partners’ countries.

The proposed project will cover a number of gaps concerning the phenomenon of addiction to the internet and will detect others that will arise from the social research of the project and form the recording of the phenomenon. The project anticipate contributing to the scientific approach to the diagnosis of the factors that lead to addiction and help in the development of policies that will lead to prevention and treatment of the phenomenon in all its aspects, as they have been emerged from the scientific research so far.

Through the activities of the project, participating organizations, especially those involved with education will have the opportunity to study in depth the phenomenon of students' addiction to the use of the Internet and its impact. Participating organizations will have the change through the project activities and results to highlight those initiatives, educational methods and activities that will lead in both timely and valid revelation of the problem and in the proposal for implementation of all those policies and scientific methods that will lead to an effectively address of the problem. By the end of the project participating organization will be able to offer special training and information sessions to both their teachers and staff and to their students regarding Internet addiction Disorder (IAD) in terms of identifying, preventing and dealing with the phenomenon. That will be done by using the dedicated material and analysis that will arise as project’s results and by using the special eplatform of the project developed for this kind of activities.

Special mention should be made on:

  • the social research to be carried out in the framework of our project using specially designed questionnaires by specialized scientists. The questionnaire will be based on already developed and internationally recognized relevant questionnaires, (such as The Internet Addiction Test (IAT), which is one of the most utilized diagnostic instruments for Internet addiction), but will be a customized version of these, according to the requirements and needs of our proposed project
  • the Reference Handbook on Assess, prevention and Treatment of Internet Addiction to be developed in the framework of our project. The Handbook will not be a simple document (e.g pdf) file but also an ebook which will be available for all kind of mobile devices (e.g laptops, tablets, smartphones etc). Special mentioned should be made in the new approaches of prevention and treatment which will be proposed under the framework of your project and be included in the handbook
  • the new cooperative methodology for the assessment and prevention of internet addiction of Secondary school students that will be developed. The proposed methodology will focus on non pharmacological interventions as these methods cannot be applied in the school environment in an easy way. The methodology is going to be based on the concept of cooperative learning in which students and teachers form discussion teams in order to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project.

We hope that the proposed project will be the starting point and an opportunity for academic exchange between partners and the associated partners, which will highlight the benefits of the Internet, as well the risks arising from abnormal use of the internet. Through the planned activities of the project we expect to have an integrated as possible knowledge of the effects of the use of new technologies, for shielding and empower of secondary school students regarding early diagnosis and addressing of the problem.

Our ambition is to influence, with the results of our research and our activities, institutional and policy makers so to start a dialogue and a thorough investigation of the problem at European level with the participation of the school community.




  • Inspectoratul scolar judetean Iasi - ROMANIA
Published in Erasmus
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 10:34

ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

Start: 01-09-2017 - End: 31-08-2019
Project Reference: 2017-1-IT02-KA201-036947
EU Grant: 299696 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

EN.GA.G.E. - ENtrepreneurial GAmes for Growing Europeans

"Education institutions should be encouraged to become more entrepreneurial in their wider approach, to ensure that they develop and live a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation through their missions, leadership, stakeholder engagement, curricula and learning outcomes." (Commission, Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan)

Promoting early entrepreneurial mindsets in education is one of the most important missions in Europe 2020. The Commission states that entrepreneurial mindsets and innovation mentality is the future growth engine of the European economy.

However, the Commission also states and recognizes that this represents no less than a cultural revolution in European education, and that there are no short-cuts to foster entrepreneurial mentality in schools: entrepreneurial mentality cannot be taught in traditional ways and cannot be guided by theory and research. Entrepreneurial mentality must be practiced and experienced through experimental learning and through opening schools to the wider community.

The way forward is therefore to review, produce, document and disseminate entrepreneurial practice in schools and role-models to share across European education. EN.GA.G.E. aims to be a significant and visible contribution to such practice and to be a role-model for schools in the European community. A concrete outcome will be an informal European network for game-based entrepreneurial learning in primary and secondary schools.

As practicing entrepreneurial mindsets in schools is not an adjustment of current practice, or an improvement of well-established teaching approaches, but precisely a “sea change” as the Commission puts it, including fundamental changes in school mentality and creating new collaborative infrastructures in the community, the EN.GA.G.E. project requests two years of experimentation and documentation.

The project will produce the following types of impact:

  • Develop a sense of initiative among the young students, different from the traditional object-role of teaching
  • Develop teacher teams’ capacity to create entrepreneurial dimensions in cross-subject and project based activities
  • Develop an entrepreneurial atmosphere in the school, including management level
  • Foster an increasing interest in the community to engage in school activities and projects
  • Offer schools across Europe practice-based guidance and digital tools
  • Contribute to networks of entrepreneurial schools in Europe

The project partnership includes school practice partners, knowledge generating partners as well as entrepreneurial partners, and then presents strong and sustainable double national partnerships from Italy, France, Romania, and Greece.

The key outcomes of the project will be:

  • Study/research on game-based entrepreneurial learning methodologies in Europe
  • EN.GA.G.E. digital games for entrepreneurial education in primary and secondary schools
  • Policy recommendations “How to EN.GA.G.E. teachers, pupils and communities in entrepreneurial learning”

What is unique about the EN.GA.G.E. mission?

  • An uncompromised user-driven approach
  • A strong community approach, including private organisations
  • An uncompromised entrepreneurial learning approach: no transmission possible, only experience-based knowledge creation
  • A very realistic approach accepting that the project forms part of a cultural revolution expected to take decades
  • A strong focus on the usability and quality of the final outcomes
  • A very strong will to document processes, as this is the only way to capture entrepreneurial experience
  • A well-balanced European partnership with a strong inclusion of Southern and Eastern countries, taking into account that the final guidance should be relevant to schools all over Europe, not only in selected readiness countries
  • A strong will to continue the obtained results in the EN.GA.G.E. informal network


  • Istituto Comprensivo Panicale - Piegaro - Paciano - ITALY


  • Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers des Pays-de-la-Loire - FRANCE
  • Lycee professionnel Rene COUZINET - FRANCE
Published in Erasmus
Monday, 08 July 2019 14:16

e-Services Education

e-Services Education

Start: 01-09-2015 - End: 31-08-2018
Project Reference: 2015-1-TR01-KA201-022552
EU Grant: 332744.11 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Summary

The horizontal objective of the partnership called “e-Services Education” is to develop new ICT services offered to schools and local community of Mersin, Turkey and Arta, Greece in the field of education. The idea is based on creating an innovative tool of multifolded e-learing platform accessible to different groups in reference to education. The idea of creating and implementing such tool is the answer to the call of modernity, digitalization and computerization of every aspect of life. We aimed to answer the wishes and needs of teachers, parents and students who are the main subjects and the beneficiary groups of this project The project aims at creating this vast and generic tool because never before have we developed such an education – supportive device concerning our regions.Socially it is important as it has brought schools together and created a network of organizations, schools and libraries important for our local societies. It allowed us to co-operate and exchange good practices between schools on local and international levels. It has built up the atmosphere of cooperation and friendliness. Professionally, by creating and producing teaching learning materials the project enlarged the database of edu – tools, teaching / learning ideas ( ELT), practical exercises and evaluation methods in unprecedented scale in our regions. The project offers such innovative tools as: e-administration, e-register for schools, e-learning, online teaching with lessons recorded and uploaded on the platform: podcasts, mobile schooling and educational games and applications, smart-phone and tablets applications, useful links, online contests ;art activites, parents portal and young entrepreneurial portal. We expected to achieve several different goals which would refer to different subjects who we addressed to like teachers, students, education workers, parents and other citizens of our cities. The project provided to activate people from different groups: administrative staff of our organizations, project workers and other beneficiaries. It contributed to upgrade the competences of educational staff and subjects of education who were trained both in local and transnational trainings to introduce new products and methods for practical educational use. Development of e-learning platform has had enormous impact on the quality of education in our respective regions. The target groups have the chance to benefit in terms of improving the level of learning / teaching, linguistic skills and entrepreneurial approach. Also the deeper cross- cultural understanding and transnational cooperation was brought about. It triggers modernization of our teaching techniques and will be successfully used after the project conclusion as the platfrom has already been integrated in education. In the project there directly or indirectly has involved about 15 administrative workers of our organizations, about 70 teachers from both regions, about 3000 students in the project activities and about 4000 parents in our respective regions. By means of this project we established very good working relationships between the institutions engaged in the learning activity, as key-decision factors, and that this partnership will continue beyond the period of the project implementation as well as all the invented educational tools.



  • Anamur ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu - TURKEY


  • Zehra Marulyali Spor Kulubu - TURKEY
  • 1o Gymnasio Artas - GREECE
Published in Erasmus